No matter Yan Chen Yu is flickering oneself, the tyrannical striking power that but the back transmits is actually solid, letting the crown prince has to turn around suddenly, this looks has a big shock immediately.
Sees only following one completely with the colossus that solid ice builds , before such as, attacks to come toward oneself equally suddenly, speed fast to the extreme.
The crown prince calls out in alarm one, cannot believe that simply their eye, have killed this monster with golden Great Halberd just now obviously, this monster perfectly appeared unexpectedly, bountiful by his crown prince uncommon experience, also has not experienced the so strange scene, has not seen the so strange monster.
Ices the king of monster to send out great roar, has pressed just like an iceberg, completely is the fighting method of fierce not fearing.
„Ice is firm, sleepy.”
Yan Chen Yu naturally cannot let up this and opportunity of king of joint strike ice monster, immediately makes white mist, the mist changes into an ice to be firm instantaneously, from top to bottom, covers toward the crown prince.
„Depends on you, but also absolutely does not have the qualifications and this crown prince fights.”
The crown prince is in a towering rage, golden Great Halberd appears in the hand again, the sharp halberd glow just likes the sharp weapon that destroys the hardest defenses is the same, directly the Yan Chen Yu ice firm destroying.
The ice that Yan Chen Yu displays firmly is also extremely terrifying, even if a Battle Spirit Realm Middle Stage master to Yan Chen Yu this move, perhaps must be imprisoned sleepily, but the crown prince was too after all strong, Yan Chen Yu completely is not a match, the words that she gets rid , can only interfere the crown prince at most, ices Wang of Cai monster is the true main force.
Although said that the king of ice monster is not the match of crown prince, but the king of ice monster is actually existence of not being able to kill, if could not kill, will affect the mind of crown prince surely, will also consume continuously the strength of crown prince.
Crown prince overwhelming power unparalleled, golden big sword sweeps away, Bang will ice the king of monster to cut in half, tragic death at the scene, but the next instance, another king of complete complete ice monster appeared, with beforehand exactly the same, the imposing manner of including releasing is without change, not having the least bit to be weaken.
„Mother, really damn.”
The crown prince cannot bear obloquy one, no matter what who meets such monster, will shout abuse, even if you are fierce, bumps into existence of not being able to kill, what to do can also?
Ices next instance that the king of monster presents, directly was killed using golden Great Halberd by the crown prince, what is abnormal, ices the ability that the king of monster dies and is reborn too to be really strong, almost reactivates immediately.