For your information and consider:
Regarding to last Friday, K.Peerapong (American Appraisal Ltd.) discussed to the Auditor for Evaluation Construction of DADB that the Evaluation Report of previous construction is THB44,465,487.25 (14.18%). He evaluated from work done on site at that time hence the amount THB 24,888,899.90 is amount for demolition and THB19,576,587.35 is amount for construction and renovation.
At the same time, the auditor considered from Progress Report Claim No.1-No.7 which attached by Quantity Surveyor (QS) in each Financial Report progress so he evaluated the work done only 6.24% (THB19,576,587.35). For amount THB24,888,899.90, he cannot include in his report due to no any documents to support this one and he cannot approve the report without this one.
However, K.Peerapong needs us to discuss to the auditor that we need him to include 24,888,899.90 for demolition in report or skip this amount when he comes back this Thursday, he will finish his job and submit report for us. He do confirm that his report and license are guarantee by The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Auditor can use his notes to the Financial Statement.
Thus, I need your consideration for this case what should I do onward.