The people your word, my language, a bit faster leave in the urging.
At this time, entire five cold winds more and more bone-chilling cold, all world Yuan Qi, faint went to a direction gathering.
Not dying cold ice, was about born!
In this grade of environment, Lin Ming actually as before self-poise, he has not paid attention to people's discussion, but looks to Sheng Mei, start to talk asked: „After the soul the empress, I wants to ask, if not the attack of dying cold ice, your battlefield, can support to the dying cold ice energy does not exhaust, turns into the cold frozen egg?”
Lin Ming is clear, the attack of Sheng Mei subordinates in the ice department, but the dying cold ice is not the ice department, counted on that Sheng Mei attacks the cold frozen egg, is not realistic.
However the attack is not good, defends not necessarily is not good.
Easily does not injure the dying cold ice like the cold ice attack of Sheng Mei, not dying cold ice freezing injury similarly not easy wound to Sheng Mei.
The cold ice to the cold ice, both sides how anyone.
Let alone, the ice is cultivation technique, originally has the natural superiority in defense, even, the Sheng Mei defense dying cold ice, does not are more relaxed than the defense not dead roaring flame. After all before , repels one another, but now, the cold ice is actually each other relations of mutual promotion of the five elements.
Really, Sheng Mei nods, said: „If solely the defense dying cold ice, should not also be able to support it to turn into the cold frozen egg, my energy consumption were many, you will be more dangerous, slightly have carelessly, some people will die” Sheng Mei to speak, the surrounding environment lowered to make many Martial Artist have to the revolution within the body Yuan be able to restrain this cold regulation.
Has learning from another's mistakes of not dead roaring flame, in all person hearts does not have the sense of fear of instinct to the dying cold ice! But at this time, Lin Ming was still asking that these useless, they somewhat were immediately anxious.
„Asked that these make what, we hurry to return fourth.”
„Yes, otherwise the dying cold ice does not appear, we can dangerous it!”
Some people paid no attention to Lin Ming, walks toward four directly, but when they go out of several. Because they actually the Lin Ming words lived in the footsteps suddenly.
Lin Ming static looks to Sheng Mei, saying speak unhurriedly and clearly: „If the empress can not defend the attack of dying cold ice, until it turns into the frozen egg, then breaks the frozen egg the duty. Might as well make the younger generation try, could succeed”
Lin Ming such remarks, is not only trial on the scene, was shocked including Sheng Mei.
Lin Ming wants to destroy the frozen egg!?
After the soul the phoenix egg that Sheng Mei cannot destroy, can Lin Ming get rid to destroy unexpectedly? He insane inadequate!?
Nobody suspected that Lin Ming talent, however the Lin Ming practice time was short.
Everybody is cultivation of Saint Lord Initial Stage is, Lin Ming impossible to compare with Sheng Mei, the principle comprehension of Heavenly Elder, has the quality difference with Lin Ming -and-a-half Saint Lord! Let alone Sheng Mei, originally is Heavenly Elder talent in extremely. In the future must become the True God monstruous talent character!
Sheng Mei surprise looks at Lin Ming, has not expected Lin Ming to put forward such proposal completely.
„Do you have to crush the cold frozen egg the assurance?”
„Only can say that tried” Lin Ming not to say the words fully, he truly did not have the full self-confidence, Lin Ming arrogant to thinking of Saint Lord time can exceed the Saint Lord time Sheng Mei, matter that Sheng Mei could not achieve. One cannot achieve.
However a little, before facing not dead roaring flame time, regardless of defends, is the attack, is a Sheng Mei person completes, her pressure was big, after bearing not dead roaring flame dozens impacts. Immediately lashes out the phoenix egg, Sheng Mei is unable to display the peak strength.
even though said that Sheng Mei summoned the Ice Phoenix phoenix, but that Ice Phoenix phoenix was also suppressed Saint Lord Initial Stage, subsidiarity that can play, is not goes against heaven's will.
But Lin Ming got rid to be different, defense mission. Completely has Sheng Mei to undertake, Lin Ming is only responsible for attacking!
Lin Ming finishing flame principle, once opens Heretical God Force, fire of that implication fearful Heavenly Tribulation in Heretical God's Tree, is the cold ice difficult adversary!
And not only so. Lin Ming also has the tyrannical thunder booster flame, more formidable style.
„Lin Ming, are you cracking a joke? Does not follow the dying cold ice resistance, breaknecked to support it to turn into the cold frozen egg, you said that is only tries?”
Some trial hear the Lin Ming words, immediately was speechless, their conditions have consumed,