As plastic is less expensive, it is overused. When it is disposed off in landfill sites, it does not decompose at a fast rate, and hence pollutes the land or soil in that area.
Most people tend to throw plastic bottles and polythene bags away, even after a single use. This drastically increases its pollution rate on land as well as in the oceans, mainly in the developing and underdeveloped countries.
Plastic bags, plastic bottles, discarded electronic components, toys, etc., clog the water bodies like canals, rivers, and lakes, especially in the urban areas.
Every year, about 100 million tons of plastic are produced all over the world. Out of this, 25 million tons of non-degradable plastic gets accumulated in the environment.
Out of the entire quantity of solid municipal wastes in the US, about 20% consists of plastic and associated harmful polymers. About USD 50 million is the value of the US plastic industry.
Approximately 70,000 tons of plastic are dumped in the oceans and seas, globally. Discarded fishing nets and other synthetic material are eaten by terrestrial as well as aquatic animals, by mistaking them for jellyfish or food, leading to the bio-accumulation of plastic inside their bodies. This can cause choking, ultimately leading to their death. Scores of fish and turtles die every year because of this.
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