Research in this area has been conducted from different fields of knowledge, such as information systems, network engineering, marketing and strategy. The present research reviews the literature on mobile business and on Information Technology (IT) and e-business value and claims that the phenomenon of mobile business from an organizational perspective deserves a closer look in order to identify which factors determine mobile business value. Such results will support managers on their decisions about mobile business initiatives.
This study is therefore guided by the following research questions: (i) How does m-business create value to firms? (ii) Which are the components of m-business value for firms? Based on the literature review on IT business value and mobile business we develop the concept of mobile business value and its components. Data is collected through expert interviews to explore the mobile business concept and components.
This paper is organized as follows: Section II presents the literature review in terms of mobile business concepts, Section III presents the conceptual model, Section IV discusses the research design, Section V provides an analysis of the data collected and, finally, Section VI presents the concluding remarks