The fight had ended, dawn sprinkles above the desert luminously, the sand storm is rippling, the yellow sand dances in the air in the middle of the midair, this is the climate of Huangling desert, all day long is so.
At this moment, all people look up flying high to stand in the above white clothing youth, the looks of all people are the same, was worshipped completely occupying, Jiang Chen that will just like the war-god same appearance forever brand mark on their hearts, as the outstanding person of younger generation, as the Nebula Sect talent, will be very really difficult to worship a person, but this white clothing youth, makes them have to worship at present, the looks of these girl students will pass are sending brightly, will look at their appearances, so long as Jiang Chen a few words, they are willing to break to devote.
„Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen, Jiang Chen”
Does not know that who opened the mouth to shout first, the sky of entire desert has resounded the Jiang Chen resonant name, at this moment, the Jiang Chen load bearing the war-god glory, he is the incarnation of war-god, making these people call his name willingly.
Jiang Chen looks up Chaoyang that east side just raised, in the look reveals two fine glow, he enjoys that type the feeling of standing in most peak, the glory of previous generation, this life will have similarly, he vanguard step by step, the re-entry peak step by step, he is believing that finally on the 1st, oneself will step this world the peak, on this day, will not be remote.
At this time, the Yu Wei three people had another injured somewhat heavy place Bang Tiancai to arrive at the Jiang Chen near, four people simultaneously have been holding holding the fist in the other hand to Jiang Chen: „Brother Jiang is really the unprecedented talent, I and others admired.”
The sincerity that four people said that as place list second existence, Yu Wei has not admired anybody, is more impossible the words that is in front of person to say admires to come, but said today that moreover sincerity that said that conceivable, if today is not Jiang Chen, they four people of lives, were worrying.
And because of existence of Jiang Chen, the character who causes the Huangling desert finishes ahead of schedule, in this warm-blooded way, greatly has promoted the morale of Nebula Sect disciple, this is rarest, Jiang Chen method is also the powerful, cultivation of trivial 8-Tier Battle King is, with ease extinguishes kills Demon Emperor, if personally does not see, they do not believe.
„Didn't you thank my Big Yellow?”
Big Yellow Dog arrives by the Yu Wei four people, raises the arrogant head to say.
Sees that four people are holding the fist in the other hand to Big Yellow Dog hastily: „If not dog brother lends a hand to help one another, I and others may be dangerous, possibly has not cut to kill that black bat, this Monster Spirit should belong to the dog brother.”
Yu Wei took Monster Spirit of that black bat, hands the Big Yellow Dog near, although he somewhat does not give up, but he is also very clear, without the Big Yellow words, they let alone obtains this Monster Spirit, can save the life to be good.
„Dog master not rare this gadget, to that boy.”