Crossing the Congo
The Congo River Canyon Crossing pipeline project achieved a major milestone in June 2015 when it crossed under the submarine canyon carved into the Atlantic seabed by the Congo River. The canyon is one of the world's largest, at approximately 470 miles (760 km) long. To accomplish this feat, a team from the Southern Africa strategic business unit (SASBU) simultaneously drilled two approximately 12,000-foot (3,658-m) wells from offshore platforms 3.1 miles (5 km) apart. After reaching total vertical depth, the wellbores transitioned from vertical to horizontal, coming together mid-point beneath the canyon. Once the two wells were drilled, more than 23,000 feet of steel casing was pushed from the north platform while being simultaneously pulled from the south platform. "This was the largest and most unique well intersection project of its kind ever undertaken by Chevron – and the very first in the industry performed offshore," said Ben Leonard, project drilling manager for SASBU. "Other intersection projects have involved drilling under highways or riverbeds, but this one is more than 10 times the length of a routine crossing." Scheduled for startup in early 2016, the pipeline will run approximately 87 miles (140 km) and will initially transport up to 250 million cubic feet of natural gas per day from Angola's offshore Blocks 0 and 14 to the Angola Liquefied Natural Gas Plant located at the mouth of the Congo River.
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Factory Approach Achieves Faster Drilling Results
We’re innovating with a process called well factory drilling that enables us to plan and drill a large number of wells at a given time – much like a factory’s assembly line – to increase profitability and maximize the recovery of oil and gas reserves. In the Gulf of Thailand, this drilling innovation has achieved time savings and improved efficiency in a highly complex geological area. Chevron North American Exploration and Production Company also decided to use the factory model, with a goal of drastically improving efficiencies and reducing costs in the Mid-Continent, Appalachia/Michigan and Canada business units. The new approach has been recognized by Chairman and CEO John Watson for the way it has contributed to increased operating efficiency.
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