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Thai) 1:
CAN A SOCIETY BE SICK?-THEPATHOLOGY OF NORMALCY'To speak of a whole society as lacking in mental health implies acontroversial assumption contrary to the position of sociologicalrelativism held by most social scientists today. They postulate thateach society is normal inasmuch as it functions, and that path-ology can be defined only in terms of the individual's lack ofadjustment to the ways of life in his society.To speak of a "sane society" implies a premise different fromsociological relativism. It makes sense only if we assume thatthere can be a society which is not sane, and this assumption, inturn, implies that there are universal criteria for mental healthwhich are valid for the human race as such, and according towhich the state of health of each society can be judged. Thisposition of normative humanism is based on a few fundamentalpremises.In this chapter I have drawn on my paper, "Individual and Social Origins o
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