Place of any food Endless Wilderness, has not been doomed the entire race to be getting more and more feeble. Until demise, this is the curse of Sage Emperor most vicious.
„You felt relieved that these six youth hand over in my hand, I will decide will not treat unjustly their!” Nie Li looked that said to these two Heavenly Primordial Spirit Race Expert.
„Thanks Young Master!” The clansmen who these two Heavenly Primordial Spirit Race Expert tears vertically and horizontally, how many years, they had been sold were treated as the slave pig dog same to treat, how could do some people have such commitment?
Nie Li looks to that six Heavenly Primordial Spirit Race youth, said: „From now on you with me, so long as two years, two years later if anyone of you are not willing to follow, momentarily can leave! I will not stop you!”