Lee Shan Yue had three sons, and they were all geniuses. The eldest son was Lee Chang Ming, and the second son was Lee Chang Hao. They had both reached the late Qi Hai realm at a young age. Lee Chang Ming was cultivating behind closed doors and was trying to form his Mortal Core, and the youngest son, Lee Chang Hong, was killed by Jiang Chen in Fragrant Sky city. The young man who stood beside Lee Shan Yue was his second son, Lee Chang Hao.
Lee Chang Hao curved his lips a little, and with a proud expression he took a step forward. He pointed his finger towards Jiang Chen and spoke with an arrogant tone, “Jiang Chen, someone told me that you killed my brother in a deathmatch! Today, I’ll kill you in a deathmatch as well in order to avenge my brother. I wonder, do you dare to accept this challenge?”
Lee Shan Yue looked at Jiang Chen with a cold smile on his face. He also thought that this was a good idea. He didn’t know what tricks Jiang Chen was using, so he couldn’t really find out what his current level was. According to what he knew, when Jiang Chen was fighting with Lee Chang Hong he was only a ninth level Qi Jing warrior, and now he was barely at the early Qi Hai realm. Although he had some great combat strength, Lee Chang Hao could easily defeat him.
Although Jiang Chen was able to kill Mu Rong Zhan, there was no way for Mu Rong Zhan to compare to Lee Chang Hao. Yes, both of them were at the late Qi Hai realm, but there was nothing about them that could be compared. Lee Chang Hao was a young genius. He had great potential and cannot be compared with anyone at the same level as him. Furthermore, Lee Chang Hao possessed great skill, killing a small potato like Jiang Chen was not a big deal. With this, the Lee family’s reputation would be preserved.
Everyone was looking at Jiang Chen and wondering if he dared to accept the challenge.
Hearing what Lee Chang Hao said, Jiang Chen laughed out and asked, “Are you sure you want to have a deathmatch with me?”
Jiang Chen really thought that he was reminding Lee Chang Hao for his own good. He almost told Lee Chang Hao, ‘Kid, please wake up. A death match is not some fun game. If you die here, there won’t be any method to resurrect you.’
“Why? Do you not dare to accept the challenge?”
Lee Chang Hao expressed his pride and arrogance while looking at Jiang Chen sideways.
“Set the four of them free first, then I’ll accept the challenge.”
Jiang Chen said.
“Brother Jiang Chen, please consider carefully. Lee Shan Yue had three sons, but Lee Chang Hong is nothing compared to the other two. They are both geniuses. This young man in front is his second son, Lee Chang Hao, and he is an upper tier Qi Hai warrior.”
Yan Zhan Yun reminded Jiang Chen.
“Brother Jiang, Lee Chang Hao has great combat strength, even I don’t have any confidence in defeating him. It’s a great risk for you to accept his deathmatch challenge.”
Yan Yang reminded Jiang Chen.
“Don’t worry. With so many people watching us, if I reject the challenge that won’t look good either.”
Jiang Chen shrugged his shoulders with a casual look on his face. This was an offer sent to his doorstep. Lee Shan Yue must be thinking that he had too many sons, so he wanted to give one to Jiang Chen.
On the other side, Lee Shan Yue waved his hand and signaled his men to release Wang Ting and the other three men. Yang Meng immediately walked towards them and brought them over to the Yan family.
The crowd moved and left a huge empty area for the deathmatch. The fighting stage was pretty far away from here, and it was much easier to just have the deathmatch right here.
“Come on Jiang Chen, let me see what kind of abilities you have! Today I will kill you and avenge my brother!”
Lee Chang Hao walked to the center of the empty area. His yellow robe was fluttering without any wind blowing on it, and his face was filled with confidence. He never really took Jiang Chen seriously because not only did he have great combat strength, he also had a powerful hidden technique. Today, Jiang Chen must die!
“Brother Jiang Chen, please be careful.”
Yan Zhan Yun reminded Jiang Chen again.
Jiang Chen nodded his head before he started walking with big strides. He arrived opposite of Lee Chang Hao.
Lee Chang Hao strengthened his spirit as he unleashed his Yuan power. He suddenly struck a punch, and bright sparks could be seen on his fist. The Yuan energy was as sharp as a blade, and the friction between the air and the punch produced loud exploding sounds.
The power of a late Qi Hai warrior was being shown completely. Lee Chang Hao was just measuring his opponent, and he was already showing such great power. The Red city genius was indeed ferocious.