1. Introduction
E-transformation is one of the major steps in development of information and communication technologies (ICT). It
is a gateway to a new era of communication which is leading to more efficient and effective level of communication.
E-transformation trend has also affected health services (e-health). By this way, the term of e-health became
noticeable by the research communities in the early of 1990. It was defined by Mea as: e-health represents health
service applications which have electronic background to provide basis for communication and processes of health
services [1].
In parallel to developments in health information systems, there have been questions raised regarding the success of
the transformation projects: What does the success of projects depends on? [2]. In technological developments, the
literature studies demonstrated that success level of a project highly depends on the level of user acceptance and
adoption [2][3][4][5][6]. Thus, the degree of adoption of e-health technologies by end users is an important aspect to
measure. In the literature, measurement of human behavior towards particular subjects has been studied in
psychological studies for a long time. One of these studies was technology acceptance model (TAM) which was developed by Davis [7]. TAM is used for determining behaviors of users towards particular technologies. The model
argues that the system use is affected by two fundamental elements, perceived usefulness (PU) and perceived ease of
use (PEOU). It has been observed that TAM theory has been successfully applied in variety of e-health studies [2]. however system adoption may vary with respect to gender differences of social differences which
consequently affects behaviors and actions [8]. Gefen and Straub studied gender differences in technology adoption
with Technology Acceptance Model [9]. They proposed that perception toward specific technology (e-mail) differ
by gender. The study showed that women were less likely to use and adopt computer application in education.
Similarly another study presented that women felt more uncomfortable with computers than men [10].
This research aims to focus on the e-pharmacy adoption by examining the problem of whether pharmacists accept
and adopt using the e-health application named Medula. Medula is one of the major projects of government in ehealth.
It is an integrated system connecting health foundations which works without intervening internal business
process of providers [11].The purpose is do davelop a model in order to understand the system users perceptions (i.e. pharmacists) about use of Medula in gender basis. It was designed to assess perceptions of the pharmacists who
are using Medula by measuring the factors affecting the acceptance and the degree of adoption.