Beside Death Mountains, presented many people, the innumerable member gather in this, the profound territory every large or small innumerable influences, participated, wants to enter the Death Mountains treasure hunt, obtains certain chance, the talents of five big influences also successively appear, but did not have the specially formidable master.
The 9 th date, is the day before that Death Mountains opens, the deep sleep that long Jiang Chen, had the sound finally, golden big cocoon outside his body surface has disrupted loudly, lay down in ground Jiang Chen, Huo sat, he has not opened the eye, like this is sitting well, during intrepid incomparable air waves run out from his within the body, making the entire mountain peak be in rock.
At this moment, the injury in Jiang Chen within the body fully restored, his mortal body moves at will, has the thunder optical scintillation, nine revolutions of great misfortune arrive to look awful tyrannicalally, but the advantage that he who his mortal body quenchings obtains solely is not the mortal body so is by far simple.
Jiang Chen within the body, new Dragon Mark start to condense, the promotion between Battle Emperor, among the promotion with Battle King is the same, the promotion of each rank, needs 2000 Dragon Mark, merely several minutes, Jiang Chen within the body 2000 Dragon Mark then completely condensed.
Jiang Chen immovability, assembles the massive Heaven Yuan Pill help to be promoted from the Qi Hai space, he every time is promoted is a big project, the consumption huge makes one be flabbergasted.
The air wave was more tyrannical, if not Jiang Chen intends to control, the entire mountain peak wants the direct avalanche.
„2-Tier Battle Emperor.”
Monk and Wu Chang Old Man is eye one bright, realized that the Jiang Chen imposing manner, on the face reveals the pleasantly surprised color.
However, 2000 Dragon Mark are not a limit, after Jiang Chen promotes 2-Tier Battle Emperor, Dragon Mark in within the body unceasingly is still condensing.
The words that 【brothers have free time participate in the book review activity, writes a commentary to Dragon Mark.】