Good Morning, my dear!
It was good to hear from you again. Because even if short only, it makes me feel that you are thinking of me! Yes, I also miss you. And I also would like to hold you at the end of a day. So let's hope that dreams will become true ...
So you will have a great family party at Songkhran! Good, and I am sure you will be happy to spend this time together with your family. So how many peole will be there? Do your brother and sister have kids already? And how many days may you take off from work?
Well, here it became more grey today. More storm and heavy rain, it was hard to go outside for buying something to eat. But today I had to because of a religious holiday tomorrow - all shops will be closed.
So I spent my time today for fixing a lot of items here in the house. And now, after adding a KISS and a HUG to his mail I will go to sleep. Hope that I may meet you in the dream, because you should be sleeping still, too!?!
Take good care always! Miss and Kiss, Hajo