The arm moves, Zhou Weiqing discovered that he cherishes really also has a person, when lowers the head looks, immediately some feelings of not knowing whether to laugh or cry.
Little Witch on the pillow on his arm, has rested an evening obviously, but Fat Cat pushes among them unexpectedly, its head also rests the head on the arm of Zhou Weiqing, therefore, Zhou Weiqing just had turned head to look at discards, first sees, is Fat Cat that cyclic furry big end.
The thoughts of practical joke appear immediately, Zhou Weiqing smiles, lifts the hand, has pressed firmly between the fingers the nose of Fat Cat quietly.
Fat Cat rests sinks very much, nose was pressed firmly between the fingers, it has not awaked unexpectedly, but opened the mouth to continue to breathe.
Zhou Weiqing has gawked first, then nearly smiles to make noise , to continue to pinch its nose with the index finger and thumb, then brings back its chin with the little finger, making its mouth close up.
Fat Cat that "11" are unable to breathe thoroughly awakened finally, when it opens the eye, happen to saw Zhou Weiqing that a face badly smiles, makes suddenly, throws away the hand of Zhou Weiqing, wicked shape wicked shape to him plain.
"Ha." Zhou Weiqing also fall about makes noise again, catches Fat Cat, her hugs, in own cherishes, another hand moves, has pulled out from Little Witch.
Little Witch then wakes, opens big eye, somewhat blurry looked at Zhou Weiqing one, the next flash, her eye opens the eyes once more greatly, the pupil contracts fiercely, startled called out: "You, you how on my bed?"
Zhou Weiqing ill-humored road: "Makes clear the condition to be good? It is not I on your bed, but is you are right on my bed. Why god knows you will give an oral account on my bed, what had you made to me last night? Under others think strange."
Little Witch stands up from failure, jumped from bed, surprised uncertain looks at Zhou Weiqing, the memory also gradually restores.
Last night, the members of jade Li corps were really too excited, the people have drunk many liquor. Carves starts, Little Witch is in as far as possible approaches them, hauls in the relational the idea to drink with them together. But with the lapse of time and function of spirit, she also gradually integrated in that cordial atmosphere.
Since childhood what is the Heavenly Demon Sect saintess "on the witch accepts is the father educates strictly, so has never indulged itself, feels joy that the jade Li corps people are from the heart, she also gradually lets loose the state of mind , are finally more than anyone who drinks, repaired for strongest her also keeled over drunk. Her final memory stayed in same bleary eyes dim Zhou Weiqing to her said that must deliver her to go to the room.
Does not know that what's the matter, rushed to here to rest an evening.
Hurried to look down own clothes, although was disorderly, but was neat, the body did not have anything to feel. Without doubt, the bastard has not occupied himself cheaply.
May be this, Little Witch is also one blushed, regardless of before her, how to entice Zhou Weiqing, that has big performance ingredient, but she actually as before is one never by the man has bumped the young girl, such inexplicable and a man has rested an evening, even if has not had anything, made her bashful wishing one could look for a crack to worm one's way into.
A Zhou Weiqing face rascal appearance visits her, hey said with a smile: "Beautiful woman, has done matter may be responsible!"
Little Witch works on nearby pillow, pounding maliciously to Zhou Weiqing, oneself was running that flew also to resemble.
Zhou Weiqing catches the pillow, sees her to run, the rascal type on face receives, in his heart also is actually very awkward, therefore conceals with this method. At least as the matter stands, everybody is insufficient at a loss relative.
However, Schoolmate Zhou Little Fatty facial skin is always very thick, awkward few minutes, he starts to ponder over: "Has owed, hugs a beautiful woman to sleep, hasn't my what done unexpectedly? Really the animal is inferior!" Was saying at the same time, he also works on Fat Cat, has given its buttocks palm of the hand, snort, said: "Said, was Fat Cat, you had gone bad elder brother's good deed yesterday evening?"
Fat Cat begins supinely, looked that does not look at his one eyes, in the eye is revealing the look of not sparing a glance.
Then, but also was really Fat Cat has gone bad his good deed, original yesterday evening Zhou Weiqing was holds Little Witch to fall on the bed tightly, under this body friction, likely under the spirit will stimulate will have anything, was Fat Cat pushes among them stiffly, separated them as far as possible, did not have the body contact, they also heavy went off.