We used DC motor and spur gear unit as the actuator to simplify and modularize it. The module is presented in Fig. 2. Using this module in fingers, we reduced weight and size of the hand. Moreover, maintenance could be implemented easily changing the module. Angle sensing unit is placed in the module. Since we don’t use expensive devices it is possible to make a robot hand with low-cost. A developed anthropomorphic robot hand is shown in Fig. 1. The hand is composed of 4 full-actuated fingers(3-fingers and 1 thumb) with 16 DOFs. Total size is 1.5 times bigger than human approximately. Total weight including all components is 0.9kg. The size and weight are reasonable to be used in various service robot applications. The brief specifications of the hand are presented in table I. Fig. 3 describes that the hand would be mounted in a manipulator easily. Fig. 4 shows an example of use with robot arm.