IP: Use [name] in the subject or message and it will be replaced with the members name
TIP: Free sends are the number of members you can send to without having to use credits and vary depending on your account type.
TIP: The number of people you can email varies depending on your account type. EXAMPLE: As a free member you can send to Free members but as a Pro you can send to both Free and Pro members.
TIP: Do not send to small amounts of people, like 20 to 50 for example. Save your credits and mail in larger batches, you will get better results.
TIP: Being creative not misleading with your subject lines will help get your emails read.
TIP: Try to avoid writing very long emails and limit the number of links to 1 to 3 at the max.
TIP: Avoid using too many different font sizes and colors in your content.
TIP: Avoid using too many SPAM words like, "FREE", "EARN", "MAKE MONEY", "MONEY" in your subject. Most messages like these will NEVER reach the readers and will get flagged as spam CLICK HERE for more spam words.