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IntroductionThis article aims to relate the theory of learning organizationto the Israeli breast care nurses (BCNs) by using Senge’scriteria.[1] This article describes Peter Senge’s theory and therole of BCNs in Israel, as well as the relation between the two.Learning organization is a concept established by PeterMichael Senge (born 1947), an American scientist anddirector of the Center for Organizational Learning atthe Massachusetts Institute of Technology Sloan Schoolof Management. Senge is also the founding chair of theSociety for Organizational Learning. His areas of specialinterest focus on decentralizing the role of leadership inorganizations to enhance the capacity of all people towork productively toward common goals. He is knownas the author of the book, “The Fifth Discipline: The Artand Practice of the Learning organization” from 1990 (newedition 2006).[2] According to Senge, learning organizationsare “organizations where people continually expand theircapacity to create the results they truly desire, wherenew and expansive patterns of thinking are nurtured,where collective aspiration is set free, and where peopleare continually learning to see the whole together.”(
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