Results (
Thai) 1:
able 1Immune-related genes of penaeid shrimps initially identified by expressed sequencetag (EST), suppression subtractive hybridization (SSH) and microarray as well astheir characterized functions.Immune-relatedgenesTissuedistributionaStressresponsebFunction1. Antimicrobial peptidesAntilipopolysaccharidefactorsG, Hc, Lo dsRNA, H,N, V, W, YAntimicrobial activity,antiviral activity,antifungal activityBactinecin Hc W NDCrustins Ep, G, Hc AA, H, N,P, W, V, YAntimicrobialactivityLysozymes G, Hc, Hp,Ht, LodsRNA, N,W, V, H, PAntimicrobial activityPenaeidins Hc AA, H, N,V, W, YAntimicrobial activity,antifungal activitySingle whey acidicproteindomain-containingpeptidesHc N, P, W Antimicrobial activity2. ProPO systemMasquerade-like serineproteinase-like proteinHc W, Y, V, P Mediates hemocyteadhesion, binding tobacterial cell wall,antimicrobial activityProphenoloxidase Hc AA, H, N, P,V, W, YClearing the bacteriafrom circulation afterinfectionProphenoloxidaseactivating factorHc, Lo H, N, V, W, Y Clearing the bacteriafrom circulation afterinfection3. Oxidative stressCopper chaperone Hc N NDCopper/zinc superoxidedismutaseHc W, Y NDCytosolic MnSOD Hc, Hp H, N, V, W NDDeath associated proteindiphenol oxidaseHc N NDGlutathione peroxidase Hc H NDGlutathione-S-transferase G, Hc, Hp N, V, W, Y NDHeme peroxidase Lo N, V, W NDPeroxiredoxin Hp N Antioxidant activityPeroxisomal antioxidantenzymeHc N NDThioredoxin C, G, Hp N, W Antioxidant activityThioredoxin reductase G, Hp W ND4. Proteinases/proteinase inhibitorsAlpha-2-macroglobulin Hc AA, P, W, Y Inhibit fibrinolyticactivity of bacteriaAminopeptidase G, Hc N, W NDAntileukoprotease Hc W NDAstacin protease Hp W NDCaspase Hp W Protease,WSSV-inducedapoptosisCathepsin A Hc, Lo N, V, W NDCathepsin C Lo N, V NDCathepsin D Hp, Lo N, W Muscle proteasesCathepsin L G, Hc,Hp, Lo,AA, dsRNA,N, V, W, YNDCathepsis B Hc, Lo N, V ProteaseChelonianin Hc W Antimicrobial activityCubilin protease G W NDCystein proteasecaspase-2Lo N, V, W NDDouble whey acidicdomain-containingpeptideHc Proteinase inhibitor,antimicrobial activityElastase inhibitor Hc W NDGene MAC25 protein Hc H, N, V NDKunitz-type inhibitor Hc W Inhibit the activityof trypsinLeucocyte elastaseinhibitorG, Hc,Hp, LoV NDLysosomalcaboxypeptidaseHc W ND
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