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Of course, it is often believed that literature has some special features that make it unfit to be the source ofmaterial for English courses. Claudia Ferradas (2009), along with other believers, claims that literature "has littlepractical application, is often closely connected with a specific cultural context, and it can be idiosyncratic, evensubversive" (27). Yet, other scholars have found out the practicality of literature in practice. The best signifier of thepoint is what is called "BritLit" project in Spain. BritLit (British Literature) project was launched in Spain,Catalonia. It is associated with Catalan Teachers of English Association, (Associacio' de Professsors d'Angle's deCatalunya, or APAC). "BritLit has already earned itself a reputation in classrooms and amongst teachers in anumber of countries, within and outside Europe. It has helped teachers from around the world to exploit Englishliterature in the ELT classroom as a language tool" (Denham & Figueras, 2009: 9). BritLit is not the only projectemploying literature in English classrooms. There are a lot of online services which provide English instructors andstudents with literary texts and encourage them teaching and learning English through literature. The point is thatlanguage teachers are regarded as carriers of cultural messages, and understanding a language necessitatesunderstanding its culture. In other words, an appreciation of certain key cultural concepts is required for a trueunderstanding of the language being learnt
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