But those who make the human have doubts, altogether had gone in a moment ago eight people, died six, another two young people actually send lossless, as if nothing has happened.
But at this moment, the complexions of these two young people without doubt are very ugly, their bodies have also spluttered the blood of other people, the person who enters like this died, but their matter does not have, such scene, was too strange, making them fearful and apprehensive.
„Why can like this?”
„Why his other people enter die, these two people of matters do not have.”
„This what's the matter? Too was really scary.”
All people are unable to maintain calm, such scene is really scary, that two young people responded from the shock finally, then looks at each other to laugh: „Ha Ha, I knew, this Icelandic buried treasure gives the person preparation of chance, person who does not have the chance cannot come, we came to finish have not died, explained that we had the person of big chance, Ha Ha.”
Two people have gone bad excitedly, turns around to turn toward the interior to walk, suddenly vanishes does not see.
„Is so weird, I do not believe that definitely is the issue of this channel, I change a channel to give a try, I choose the first channel.”
A 50 -year-old high and low old man walks toward the first channel, he arrives at the channel front time stops the footsteps, the sweat from his face can see that he at this moment is very anxious, after all has the criminal record before, must not say anxiously, that is deceives people.
„Paternal grandmother, spelled.”
The old men clenched teeth, has come in great difficulty, cannot empty-handed go back, the old man one step takes, one of the brushing enters to the path.
„Ha Ha, look, I said that is the issue of path, a matter does not have!”
Old men excited just started, has exuded one with the former same pitiful yell, the body of old man ruptures, turns into the blood fog, then vanishes does not see, with beforehand exactly the same.
Being scared out of one's wits that this, all people frighten, looks to the present nine paths, probably saw that the road of death was the same, the person who entered died was too strange, bewildered died, simply did not have the reason.
„Mother, was too scary, what's the matter?”
„Yes, this was too simply frightened, nine channels have the issue, this is must kill.”
Nobody not startled, again also nobody maintained calm, formerly must treasure hunt had the change at heart thoroughly well, the treasure not to assign again importantly.
The front that several Battle Spirit Realm masters are also the tight pressed brows, somewhat beats a drum at heart, in a person of eye the blooming fine glow, has not borne the enticement finally, immediately turns toward a channel to walk.
„Died explained that your cultivation for were not good.”
That person was saying, then one step entered into the path, is the flash of entering, all people saw on his face revealed extremely frightened, he struggled to want from inside to run furiously, but ended finally.
A sad sound, that Battle Spirit Realm master stature ruptures instantaneously, changes into the blood fog, afterward scatters.
„The Battle Spirit Realm master also died, who also dares to enter?”