Security door, knocked on the principal's office with experimental things, we say: "the cruel, the students hit a lot, but the spirit of the moment is to educate students fortification, to avoid more cruel tragedy. "
principals, as thought, said, touching words:" my daughter Ye Lin as the line does not? "
Ye Lin enrolled in a music school, school, only a week to go home for the weekend.
to Ye Lin's classroom, students may find that in the dormitory, let a student to help host containing call, waited a moment,
girls and Ye Lin out of the dormitory building.
came forward,We use the anxious mood to tell her a very unfortunate news: "your mother is hit by a car, and taken to hospital, now we see the blood was on the road. She said your dad was on a business trip, let us come to you, you hurry back home to take the money to save your mom, we took the money to you, not the mother pad. "
didn't think Ye Lin is quite calm, asked:" my mother is now in which hospital?
"the province people's hospital emergency room. So, young students, we have a car, just take the money to send you home, our reporter. "The man took out a certificate shakes.
Ye Lin repeatedly praise,The girl who helped her, together with the experimenter walked out of school. In the footsteps of Ye Lin leaf in the wind, some staggering.
back home, get the key to open the door, the door, the door, and let all the people, Ye Lin did not think we would be "the gangster".