Using literature in the ESL and EFL classrooms has benefits in several main areas. Literature is beneficial to
language development. It is a good resource of accurate diction, diverse sentence patterns, and passionate narratives
(Ghosn, 2002). Since literature is related to real-life situations, it deals with accurate diction. The language
employed in literature is the language of its audience, so it cannot be inaccurate. Also, since literature deals with
different moods as well as situations, it is prevalent with diverse forms of sentences. Actually, different people talk
and write differently. As such, literature contains all these various forms of use of language. Besides, passion has its
own value in literature. When reading literature texts, the reader is engaged with this passionate aspect of the text.
Engagement is generally thought of as a key component of learning environment, especially learning English
language. This engagement is created especially through conflict prevailing literary works. Of course, conflict is not
only present in narrative forms; it exists in all literary works, even in a short poem, as the poet creates a situation in
which the reader encounters conflict in understanding what the poet means. What is important is that conflict
resolution and communication strategies are best mediums to create learning environment for engagement. Kolonder
& Guzdial, (1990); and Schank, (1990) believe that human knowledge is largely composed of an index of stories,
personal narratives, and first- and second-hand experiences that we draw on and reuse as they are found to be
relevant to the situation at hand. As such, the significance of literature in promoting English learners is beyond
doubt as they bring knowledge to them. It, in fact, gives them second-hand problem solving experiences.