When comparing wealth with public diplomacy, the information from the linear regression
supports the conclusion that public diplomacy is predominately practiced by wealthy
countries. The optimal wealth level or codec for countries that practice public diplomacy
(y=1) is 9, which covers the range of 20,001 USD plus.
• The linear regression comparing development and public diplomacy shows that states with a
development codec of 10 practice public diplomacy; however, this is a codec well beyond the
range of states studied (maximum codec of 6).
• The linear regression for size and public diplomacy leaves much to be desired in terms of
conclusive evidence that mostly large (population size) countries practice public diplomacy.
When y=1 and a state practices public diplomacy, the optimal size of that state is at the codec
level of 7, a size that was not even considered in the range—the original maximum codec
being 6, a level of 300 million—would equate to over 1 billion. It appears as though there is
a significant problem in the linear regression concerning size; this indicates the generalpattern that bigger countries are more likely to practice public diplomacy is incorrect.