Stress is a reaction of the body occurs when the body is stimulated and the reaction is the reaction response physiology and psychology of human such as the feelings that occur when you faced with the serious problems or stay in unfavorable environments. Throughout the body when the stress within the mind often results in a change notice. However, when stress disturbing it might be dangerous with your ability to live in daily life and you may, feel tired unable to concentrate or irritable and also make you unhealthy.
For example, in term of physical you might be headache, fatigue insomnia appetite to eat no heart beat faster breathing, your blood pressure are increase, refusing food, breathe faster, sigh often, migraine, diarrhea or constipation, or insomnia is sleepy all the time, menstruation is not normal, and allergic to weather frequently. In term of mental you might be edgy easily, confused in your mind, disgusted with everything that happen, anger easily, depression, more working brain, decision quickly, anxiety, have a good idea, distracted thinking, forgotten easily, no concentrate, and despair. Finally, in term of social if you have stress interfere you might have sometimes quarrels with people, uncommunicative, fussy, and often fight conflict with others.