Firethorn Savage roared out loudly once again. He continued spitting fireballs out from his mouth and shooting out golden ray beams from his hard armor, once against sending a storm of attacks towards the Green Sanctuary Sect.
The battle had become even more violent. The real culprits were leisurely sitting on a cloud, watching. If Liu Hong realized he had been framed, he might throw up all his blood.
“Activate the Gargantuan Formation!” Qing Styx became extremely angry right now. If this situation continued, the Green Sanctuary Sect would suffer massive losses. Judging from how Firethorn Savage behaved, there was no way he would let this matter be resolved easily.
“Understood, activating the Gargantuan Formation now!”
A few of the Sect Elders were shocked. After that, all the Divine Core Sect Elders began flying towards different directions.
Buzzing sounds could be heard with seemingly no end. A gigantic blue curtain of light appeared above the skies of the entire Green Sanctuary Sect.
There were countless mystical and complicated symbols on the curtain of light. It covered every single disciple of the Green Sanctuary Sect. Dozens of Divine Core Sect Elders were standing in different locations on the curtain of light, and Qing Styx stood right in the center of this curtain of light with a spear in his hand.
“So this is the Green Sanctuary Sect’s defensive formation, it looks powerful!” Big Yellow’s eyes lit up.
“The Gargantuan Formation is just an ordinary formation, and it only has one minor weakness. However, if it was unleashed by a dozen Divine Core warriors, it could be considered a perfect formation. Look here, Big Yellow, this Gargantuan Formation has activated fifteen cores, and each core is handled by a Divine Core Sect Elder, and Qing Styx is standing in the center. With this, the defensive strength of this formation can be maximized, and there will be no weaknesses. What’s most important here is that all combat strength of the 15 Divine Core Sect Elders will be transferred to Qing Styx, and that will make his combat strength increase exponentially. It will be extremely hard for Firethorn Savage to deal with him now.”
Jiang Chen’s eyes were glowing brightly. As the once greatest Saint in the world, he was well verse with all types of formations. The secret of the Gargantuan Formation in front of him was nothing.
“Buddy, are you really a human? Why do I have a feeling that you are a cunning old fox who has lived for thousands of years? Why does it seem like you know everything?” Big Yellow said as he rolled his eyes.
Jiang Chen smiled and didn’t say a thing. He just kept staring at the Green Sanctuary Sect.
“Do you think Firethorn Savage can break this formation?” Big Yellow asked.
“Qing Styx is gathering the combat strength of all Divine Core warriors within him, of course Firethorn Savage won’t be able to withstand his attack. However, Firethorn Savage won’t give up on retrieving his golden egg. Therefore, he will counter with even more brutal and violent attack, probably some extreme measures. Soon, the ending where both sides are severely wounded will come, haha!” Jiang Chen laughed out heartily.
“Kakaka… so mean, so fierce, so crafty, I like it!” Big Yellow was laughing so much that even his fur was trembling.