„You discover not to have, Jiang Chen among them the coordination is quite tacit, was in the flawless situation, Jiang Chen and that Big Yellow Dog is skilled in the strategy, the direct cloth in void has gotten down Formation and Restrictive formation, making the match run away not to be possible to run away, finally collaborates to kill it.”
„Really is a fearful combination, they are the unrivalled rare talents in talent, soon, the profound territory had their stretch of world.”
Nobody not startled, today, many people must remember this combined, this crazy fierce combination in this way, the profound territory will certainly because of their existences, but changes is not extremely tranquil.
Another side, in Yan Hui of Mo Sang fight, was realizing after here fight result, the complexion also changed, his mood was greatly affected very much obviously, hits with Mo Sang somewhat was thrown into confusion.
„Gets rid together, kills him.”
Jiang Chen with pointing at has referred to Yan Hui, incomparably cloudy and cold saying.
His voice just fell, Han Yan and Nangong Wen Tian have then crashed in the battlefield, they unite Mo Sang, certainly Yan Hui has sieged by the corner completely, Jiang Chen and Big Yellow Dog stand in outer area separately, this stretch of battlefield totally was blocked, does not give Yan Hui any meeting that wants to run away.
„Ten thousand stars rulers.”
„Blood demon blade.”
Nangong Wen Tian and Han Yan simultaneously make the intrepid attack, copes with Yan Hui not to compare to deal with another three people, needs whole-heartedly, Mo Sang is also extremely tyrannical, in his hand presents a sharp war spear, above covers entirely the dense demon air/Qi.
Three Battle Weapon simultaneously attack from three different directions, must Yan Hui tearing into shreds.
Yan Hui yelled, he at heart very much regretted now that regretted before one, should not get rid to Jiang Chen, when Li Long was killed, he should choose to leave here, until the appearance of Mo Sang, fell into the perdition by oneself.
Really is Yan Hui has not thought that Han Yan and Nangong Wen Tian unexpectedly such powerful, three 8-Tier Battle Emperor were given to kill by them, particularly Han Yan, cultivation of 7-Tier Battle Emperor peak is, in addition the bloodline of Ancient Heavenly Demon, the strength almost must suppress oneself, now the Yan Hui state of mind disrupts, in addition the match turned into three people, how to resist.
But cannot resist must resist, long sword in Yan Hui hand soon fluttering results that waves, everywhere above the entire battlefield flutters is sharp Sword Qi.
All striking power hit in one, has saying that Yan Hui was very strong, how the match to be stronger, battlefield directly hit was wild, void does not know was beaten many, Yan Hui hit spat blood, aura thorough disorder.
„Has killed him.”
Jiang Chen callous big drinks, his noble spirit Ling Ran, probably a perfection marshal is the same, even if do not enter the war, can control the entire war.
The Han Yan three people hug once more, the cold brightness sparkles, they make is the ruinous striking power, destroyed a side world sufficiently, the terrifying deconstruction strength submerged Yan Hui again, coped with this Heavenly Mountain School talent, the character on day list, Mo Sang kills was also incomparably inspired.
After this wave of attack ended, Yan Hui turned into a blood person completely, although he can also stand there, but actually completely lost the battle efficiency, the long sword in his hand has fallen off, the whole person creakies, to the present, even if not block void, Yan Hui did not have the ability to escape.
„Ended, Yan Hui must be finished, this group of people were too flagitious.”
„Ruthless, then the Jiang Chen continually ramble ancestor and Heavenly Mountain School one and offended, but he has Nebula Sect and demon teaches to treat as the backer cloudy, is not afraid.”
„Had been a pity Yan Hui one generation of talents, died in this Death Mountains unexpectedly, but this also no wonder others, who made him provoke Jiang Chen first.”
Many people sobbed, on the scene also had much is the Heavenly Mountain School disciple, seeing Yan Hui must be killed, on faces also reveals the color of anger, but turned over to the anger angrily, they do not dare to stand, because they were very clear, at this time stood not to have what significance, was dying including Yan Hui, they why with the Jiang Chen bucket.
To the present, many people understood a truth, in the heart secretly was also warning itself, this Jiang Chen was really existence that cannot annoy, he who who annoyed, did not have the good end, although he only then 2-Tier Battle Emperor, but can actually constantly create the miracle, was given to kill by him including 8-Tier Battle Emperor.