Hi Thasanee,
thank you for your mail and I am fine too
thank you.
Thank you for the photos,it is very similar to
a store we have here too.
There are good and bad people everywhere so
it is just something we must accept about life.
I know a lot about Thai culture and the differences
between our cultures but now the younger Thai people
are much more relaxed and not as strict about the culture
as they used to be.
Every culture has good and bad too so not everything is
or can be a problem,we just need to understand and accept
everything and I believe differences are a very good thing as if
we were all the same life would be very boring for us all!
It is for the individual person to decide what is best for them but
much better if we can meet each other in the middle,I don't think
it is good for one person to totally have to accept the other person's
culture completely.
I work at the airport in the Control Tower but I am not sure if you will
know about my job.
Do not worry that you use a translator,I understand everything you say but please
do ask me if you do not understand anything I say.
Have a very wonderful day.
Warmest wishes