Be assertive, active, and positive when
talking to others.
• Don’t be afraid to ask questions!
You were chosen for the job because
you have something to offer,
and you need to know how best to
use your skills. You have the right
to find out exactly what is expected
of you.
• Ask open-ended questions, such as
“Can you tell me about how you
want me to file these papers?” instead
of “yes or no” questions, such
as “Do I put this paper in this
folder?” People will give you a lot
more information if you ask openended
• Don’t hide your feelings and needs
from others. Express them in a
clear, direct, honest, and positive
For example: “That’s an interesting
idea, but it might not work well because...”
or “I understand why you
moved your desk, but this new arrangement
is not good for me becauseBe assertive, active, and positive when
talking to others.
• Don’t be afraid to ask questions!
You were chosen for the job because
you have something to offer,
and you need to know how best to
use your skills. You have the right
to find out exactly what is expected
of you.
• Ask open-ended questions, such as
“Can you tell me about how you
want me to file these papers?” instead
of “yes or no” questions, such
as “Do I put this paper in this
folder?” People will give you a lot
more information if you ask openended
• Don’t hide your feelings and needs
from others. Express them in a
clear, direct, honest, and positive
For example: “That’s an interesting
idea, but it might not work well because...”
or “I understand why you
moved your desk, but this new arrangement
is not good for me because