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I tend to look at the positive side of things.
I prefer working alone to working with many people.
I tend to look for the underlying cause of problems.
I prefer taking action first to thinking thoroughly in advance.
Most like me Least like me
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I rarely get depressed.
Once I have made a decision, I rarely doubt it.
I find it easy to keep conversations going.
I use conventional methods to produce results.
Most like me Least like me
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I rarely spend time alone.
I am good at analyzing issues.
I generate fresh ideas.
I always keep jobs on schedule.
Most like me Least like me
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I make careful preparations before starting things.
I inspire others in my group.
I create an environment where every group member works well together.
I have many friends in workplace.
Most like me Least like me
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I am able to make friends with others quickly.
I am good at building consensus in my group.
I like taking charge when I work in a group.
Even when facing a problem, I can be very optimistic.