I will like to ask you this questions, hope you don't mind.
Answer, Ask for a study in the University.
Would you move from your country if you found the true love?
Answer,Maybe True love is always a political true. I would sit and talk with a guy that I fell in love with got me where and how?
How you handle matters when you are angry?
Answer,The silence in the first place, I will be done after that, when all the people would have to be cooled down, it was over to talk with the overview must be accepted both parties
What are your dreams and desires?
Answer,Want to love sincerely and honestly, not games or other interests that I have in my life.
What do you do in your leisure time?
Answer,To be at home with family and traveling in different places.
What does it take to keep your attention?
please ask anything you want to know about me.