Hey guys,
Ive been working on WarZ engine since its initial release starting on DeadZ and then working on various projects from there..
I'm thinking of giving up on my project GRB, and whilst deciding this I'm debating whether or not to release what I have on WarZ.
I will list what I have off the top of my head from WarZ source files below but I have more,
Character and Zombie Models and Textures MAX and PSD
Original V3 Flash Source including PSD, PNG of all images even unreleased trial and error shit they never even used.
My Source for GetRektBambi (Minus ts3cracked)
DeadZ SIH Latest source before it finally closed (including Flash source/Source Code) (Minus database/anticheat/ts3cracked) (Secrets is releasing shit upto June 2014 Screenshot by Lightshot )
Vast amount of source Models from personal projects Vehicles, Characters, Variants from original models etc..
I will provide screenshots on request if need be..
Reason from giving up on the project, bored, thinking of moving over to another engine and working on something else completely...
Serious comments welcome.. otherwise don't bother..