Whenever investors have invested, that means that they were at risk, which level of investment risk based on the opportunity of investment returns, if the opportunities of high yield, the risk would be higher accordingly (Petty et al. 2012).
Although the distribution of foreign investment will help reduce the rate of the overall portfolio investment risk during the period of the event, in the each country has different priorities away. By investing internationally, there may have factors that affect on the risk of investment as follows; first the political and economic of international stability. The subsequent exchange rate fluctuations affect the value of the investment while still not a change in the security’s price and the third is the financial information of the Company by specific, which is difficult in emerging markets to get that information. However, global investments diversify does not guarantee profits will be get or prevent losses reduction in the market.
Investment management is the professional asset management of various securities (shares, bonds and other securities) and other assets (e.g., real estate) in order to meet specified investment goals for the benefit of the investors. Investors may be institutions (insurance companies, pension funds, corporations, charities, educational establishments etc.) or private investors (both directly via investment contracts and more commonly via collective investment schemes e.g. mutual funds or exchange-traded funds).
The term asset management is often used to refer to the investment management of collective investments, while the more generic fund management may refer to all forms of institutional investment as well as investment management for private investors. Investment managers who specialize in advisory or discretionary management on behalf of (normally wealthy) private investors may often refer to their services as money management or portfolio management often within the context of so-called "private banking".
The provision of investment management services includes elements of financial statement analysis, asset selection, stock selection, plan implementation and ongoing monitoring of investments. Coming under the remit of financial services many of the world's largest companies are at least in part investment managers and employ millions of staff.
Fund manager (or investment advisor in the United States) refers to both a firm that provides investment management services and an individual who directs fund management decisions.
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