Competitive advantage and firm resources may play an important role. For example, a
better environmental performance can provide competitive advantages (low cost and
differentiation), which will subsequently improve financial performance (Klassen and
McLaughlin, 1996; Sharma and Vredenburg, 1998). In addition, using the
resource-based view, a proactive attitude of the firm towards the environment will
probably favor the development of new resources and capabilities that in turn may
help to achieve competitive advantages (Russo and Fouts, 1997).
With regard to control and contextual factors, some studies take into account some
factors that may influence the green management-financial performance link. For
example, Hart and Ahuja (1996) found that emission reduction enhanced financial
performance more for firms with high emissions levels, and Klassen and McLaughlin
(1996) showed that financial markets react more positively to the announcement of an
environmental award to a firm operating in a cleaner industry. Moreover, Telle et al.
(2004) pointed out that control variables must be taken into account to avoid premature
conclusions about the positive impact of environmental management on financial
Fourth, the common method bias could pose problems for a survey research relying
on self-reported data, especially if the same person reports on both dependent and
independent variables. In our literature review we have found that some authors use
perceptual measures to analyze the influence of environmental management and/or
environmental performance on financial performance. Therefore, the possible existence
of this common method bias must be tested using adequate mechanisms (Podsakoff
and Organ, 1986). In any case, researchers can use objective measures of firm
environmental performance and financial performance. Tyteca (1996) provided
examples of these objective measures.
Finally, although we have pointed out some studies that have analyzed the
relationship between green management and financial performance using a qualitative
approach, our paper has focused on quantitative articles. An interesting alternative to
these two methods is the application of a mixed methods approach (Creswell and Plano
Clark, 2007), that is, the combined use of quantitative and qualitative methods in a
study. As an example of this approach, Sharma and Vredenburg (1998) carried out a
study conducted in two phases. The first (exploratory) phase involved comparative
case studies, using in-depth interviews, in seven firms in the Canadian oil and gas
industry. Interview data were triangulated through a qualitative content analysis of
corporate documents. This first phase ended with two hypotheses based on previous
literature and the qualitative study. The second phase (confirmatory) involved testing
the emergent linkages through a mail, survey-based study of the Canadian oil and gas
industry. The final written report was structured in two main parts: the exploratory
study included several sections (qualitative data collection, qualitative data analysis
and results with the proposed hypotheses) and then the confirmatory study was
carried out (with quantitative data collection, quantitative analysis section and the
results). The qualitative phase helped to develop a background understanding of the
industry, theory, hypotheses and the quantitative measurement instrument.
Our paper contributes to theory in various ways. First, it contributes to the
development of green management theory, summarizing dimensions related to
environmental management, environmental performance and financial performance.
Second, the key role that mediating and control variables may play in the linkage