3.3. How we create the Leadership Development Strategy for an IT company?
The leadership development strategy [30] should determine the movements that must be taken to preserve,
develop or gain the leaders and the leadership skills required by the business strategy and will cover the issues
that follow.
∞ Individual development plans [32]: These are plans that leaders make for their progress in a time margin. The
best plans are inclusive, covering work as well as program activities, and are discussed by the individual
leader with their manager.
∞ Work assignments [33]: Work assignments are often not received as important, as an opportunity to help
leaders develop concrete possibilities or practice basic attitudes. To increase the focus on learning from work
assignments, it’s important to have specific aims, possibilities to receive feedback on improvement and a
mentor or a leader to consult learning strategies.
∞ Special assignments: There are multiple benefits to binding learning to project disposals. If the project
disposals involve significant work, learning from the project takes on relevance that may not exist as loudly
in other learning environments. Group members can supply helpful feedback, and the relationships that are
developed in projects with team members getting more and more stronger.
∞ Coaching/mentoring/feedback: While the worth of coaching and mentoring [34] is greatly appreciated, it is
rarely realized in practice because those doing the coaching or mentoring are not sufficiently qualified or
dedicated. Flippant coaching is canceling and may even harm relationships that are critical to career success.
∞ Leadership meetings and events: Leadership meetings and events are sometimes great opportunities for
people to learn, as well as to receive information and knowledge. Given the high costs of concentration
people these days, every try should be made to prying these meetings and events for multiple aims, including
∞ Executive engagement in talent development [35]: Many of the benefits desired from executive progress will
not exist unless senior executives buy into the process, support the investments that take place and normalize
the behaviors that are desired. The construction of a different leadership rule starts with those at the top
stepping up and stepping forward to display their personal engagement and support for change.
∞ Employee group activities: Once leaders are dominants, it’s possible to engage employees in a significant
way. Many employees are unofficial leaders, whose help is necessary in achieving organizational aims.
Engaging them also helps leaders remain to develop, as they receive feedback on what works or not as they
undertake to create direction and commitment.
∞ Leadership by level, function and location: The leadership evolution strategy should take into account
differences in requirements by function, level and location. The meaning of a leadership pipeline with
recognizable turning points that call for higher levels of leadership capacity is widely accepted. The pipeline