: to have or keep (something) in your hand, arms, etc.
: to put your arms around (someone) : to embrace or hug (someone)
: to put or keep (something or someone) in a specified place or position
Full Definition
transitive verb
1 a : to have possession or ownership of or have at one's disposal
b : to have as a privilege or position of responsibility
c : to have as a mark of distinction
2 : to keep under restraint : as
a : to prevent free expression of
b : to prevent from some action
c : to keep back from use
4 a : to have or maintain in the grasp ; also : aim, point
b : to support in a particular position or keep from falling or moving
c : to bear the pressure of : support
5 : to prevent from leaving or getting away : as
a : to avoid emitting or letting out
b : to restrain as or as if a captive ; also : to have strong appeal to
6 a : to enclose and keep in a container or within bounds : contain
b : to be able to consume easily or without undue effect
c : accommodate
d : to have as a principal or essential feature or attribute ; also : to have in store
7 a : to have in the mind or express as a judgment, opinion, or belief