My work experience is generally occurred to my daily task. I ever worked as sale staff for TOD’S brand at duty free. Every month my company will assign the sale target for my group of sale staff that is consisted with 3 people then we’ll
share our work load by making a sequence to service the customers and also balance in the commission, on the other hand we help each other in any situation that may be needed.
That’s normal routine for weekday and on Friday Saturday and Sunday due to the number of customers, our company give us the special bonus that is called Double bonus for any
the sale volume that is beyond the sale target. In this case we will make a well plan to give the best attentive for our customers, for instance there are a lot of customers to be served at the same time we do it by voluntary in my team by the first staff are serving for giving detail of products and The second staff are making the bills then the rest of three are bringing the goods after that the second staff helps to pack them for the customers respectively. We have to work with a good co-operation to providing
The satisfaction for our customer who are in a hurry for boarding their flight however we always make a well plan and give over hands to each other that’s made us achieve our goal every month.
Actually, I’m the sale staff for TOD’S who sell the leather product, such as shoes, hand bag etc. I always realize both company’s policy and customer service. I never ignore even the smallest detail for the customer’s demand however I always experience with the various customers who are different in demand, by the way I give the best attentive to them for getting the suitable goods and impressive service.
In case there were any complain, I would solve it right the way for example my customer grew angry with me because she couldn’t get the matching style of shoes so I used all my attempt to satisfy her by giving various choices of shoes with encouraging idea until she felt impressive and decided to buy Them.
I’m pound of that and let me know the significance of customer service.