There are two parts in this task. Follow the task instructions and do your work on the worksheet provided.
Part I: Each of the following paragraphs lacks one essential part: a topic sentence, a supporting detail, or a concluding sentence. From the choices provided, identify the sentence which best completes the paragraph. (4 points)
Paragraph 1:
The fern is a type of leafy plant which reproduces by spores, and for this reason has neither seeds nor flowers. The leaf of a typical fern, called a frond, is easily recognizable from its fanlike shape. ____________________________. Because they require lots of water, most New Zealand ferns are found in moist, forested areas. They are very diverse in size, ranging from tiny ferns a few millimeters long to tree ferns that can reach 20 meters in height. One type of fern, the bracken, was eaten as a staple food by the Maori natives, who called it raraka. Of the tree ferns, the hardy wheki is probably the most resilient in the face of fire and forest clearance. The mamaku or black tree fern is the biggest, but the most well-known is surely the silver fern or ponga, which got its name from the white underside to its frond. The silver fern has become one of New Zealand’s national symbols, with most of the country’s sports teams featuring the silver fern leaf in their logo. Ferns are a common sight in New Zealand forests, and visitors to the country’s forest parks are sure to encounter both delicate filmy ferns and strikingly large tree ferns.
a. Some ferns have adapted to live in high mountains and deserts, and others are epiphytes, which grow on other plants without harming them.
b. New Zealand is home to over 80 species of fern, many of which grow nowhere else.
c. There are many invasive species on the island of New Zealand, including sheep, rats and clover.
Paragraph 2:
New graduates who are beginning the job search process typically focus on preparing their resumes, answering job advertisements and going to interviews. It’s certainly true that a good resume, well-written cover letter, and a good performance during the interview are important steps in landing that coveted first job. However, this is actually a narrow view of what the novice job hunter needs to do. Many people who are new to the job market may neglect some other factors that can be decisive in finding the right job for them. First of all, it’s good to take stock of your options. Can networking help ease the process? In other words, who do you know that can give you a chance in an entry-level job? This doesn’t have to be someone in your family circles – it might also be someone that you worked together with if you volunteered your time for a charity, or did an internship as part of your study program. There may even be an alumni network of people who graduated from your university and now might be in a position to give you a job – it doesn’t hurt to inquire. And there’s another important factor that new job hunters often forget to pay attention to – themselves. When you start looking for a job, take a day or so to reflect on what you want from the world of work, besides the obvious thing – a way to make a living. What are your interests in life? What values are most important to you? What strengths do you have that might make an impact on the world? And finally, what are your goals in the long term? Of course, few people ever manage to find the ideal job that matches them perfectly, even after they get years of experience under their belt. One can’t expect to find it right off the bat. Even so, try to broaden the way you think about the job search. ____________________________. This can result in you not only finding a way to make ends meet, but a job with a future that is also a good fit for you as a person.
a. Go beyond the nuts and bolts of the resume and interview to consider networking and self-reflection, too.
b. Unless you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth, networking may not be enough.
c. Remember that fine-tuning your resume can make the difference between getting that position and losing out to others.
Paragraph 3:
Today, hill farmers in Northern Thailand mainly grow cash crops such as rubber. In the past, however, many practiced swidden farming, which involved burning off forest to plant a wide variety of crops, then rotating to new forest lands after several years, when the current fields had been exhausted. According to anthropologists who have studied this, there were three main types of swiddening, which is also known as slash-and-burn farming or shifting cultivation. The first can be termed “integral” or “cyclical” swiddening (raj muunwian in Thai.) Here the village controlled how much land each family could cultivate. The system was stable and the villagers did not need to move or acquire new land. The second type, practiced by ethnic groups like the Hmong, was “pioneer” swiddening (raj luanlooj in Thai.) Here, individual families would cultivate as much land as they could manage, and after using it intensively would move to a new area with virgin forests. There was also a third type of swiddening, practiced mainly by ethnic Thai lowland farmers. These people were “partial” swiddeners, who cultivated hill land in addition to their paddy fields, because population growth had left little available land elsewhere. These people lacked the traditional knowledge needed to preserve swidden land. _________________________. For example, they would burn away large areas of forest or leave exhausted fields overgrown with cogon grass and other weeds. All in all, even though some methods of swiddening were more sustainable than others, the recent shift away from slash-and-burn farming is probably a good thing. This is because forest lands may be preserved to a greater extent now than in the past, when it was a widespread practice.
a. Likewise, they lacked the technology needed to raise the productivity of their fields.
b. As a result, their style of exploiting the hill fields often damaged the environment.
c. Nevertheless, many were able to profit from this marginal land.
Paragraph 4:
_________________________________. The invention of the tea bag has been credited to Thomas Sullivan, a tea broker from New York. In 1904, the sent tea samples to clients using small silk bags. Instead of throwing away the bags, many of them simply plunged the bag with the tea into hot water. Later, companies like Lipton and Tetley switched to cheaper materials than silk and produced bagged tea for the mass market. Another innovation, iced tea, also comes from America. Sweet iced tea was first marketed by Richard Bloechynden at the 1904 St. Louis World’s Fair. However, documentary records show that Americans had been drinking tea this way at least since the 1880s. Some new ideas for consuming tea never caught on. For example, 19th century English and American cookbooks contained recipes for a highly alcoholic green tea punch, but today this just seems odd. Some innovations have even traveled back to Asia, as when we see bottled iced tea on sale in convenience stores in Japan or Thailand. All in all, tea has become a drink with a global scope, even if many countries still have their own preferred methods of marketing and consuming this enchanting drink.
a. The Western world hasn’t always been a source of new ideas.
b. Styles of tea drinking have changed through the ages, and the ancient Chinese method of making foamy tea from powder is still practiced in Japan.
c. Although tea originated in ancient China, in modern times there have been many Westerners who introduced innovations in the way tea is prepared and served.
Part II: The underlined sentence in each of the following paragraphs may contain a flaw. Because of this flaw, the paragraph may have an organizational problem as discussed in Module 3. (4 points)
a. Identify the problem with each paragraph: unity, coherence (linking phrase), or consistency (verb tenses). If there is no problem, write “none” here.
b. If the underlined sentence should be deleted, check the box. If not, rewrite it, or leave this section blank if no changes are needed.
Paragraph 1:
Have you ever noticed that when you walk into a dark movie theatre from the daylight, you are “blind” at first? It takes your eyes a while to adjust to the darkened room, and the same is true when you step out of the theatre into bright daylight. This phenomenon is called dark and light adaptation, and one cause of it is the nature of the cells in the human eye that make vision possible. These cells are called photoreceptors, because they receive light. They are divided into two types, rods and cones. The rods are extremely sensitive, and can be triggered by just a single photon of light. The cones, on the other hand, need brighter light, but they selectively receive this light in a way that allows us to see different colors. In dark conditions, our eyes are mainly using the rod photoreceptors, but when there is adequate light, the cones take over. This switch between rods and cones takes time, which is what causes the momentary blindness. Of course, the story is not as simple as that – other changes also need to take place. By contrast, the pupil of the eye opens wider in dark conditions, in order to let the maximum of light in, but contracts when there is too much light. All in all, vision is the product of an intricate and coordinated biological system that scientists are still working to understand.
Paragraph 2:
France and Britain both extended their colonial empires in Southeast Asia in the later years of the nineteenth century. With some justification, the Siamese saw this as a threat to their independence. The 1880s saw France create a protectorate over all of Vietnam and gain interest in Laos. At this time Britain completed its conquest