The ray dodges, Lin Ming and Xiao Moxian only felt that the environment suddenly changes, the next quarter, they arrived in a green and luxuriant forest.
Here flower-decked, everywhere vitality, lingzhi Spirit Medicine, green and luxuriant, to human a feeling of paradise. In Bury God Mountain Range, since birth and deathtrap, here was one of the rare several not any dangerous fresh places.
Lin Ming turns round to look, in him behind not far away, can see that is high the terror red mountain range, this red mountain range main body winds to circle, spans Bury God Mountain Range, is similar to a red sign of the dragon, that many mountain peaks, such as dragon body, dragon claw and dragon horn, lifelike, this is the scarlet Longshan arteries without doubt, Tragic Death Valley entrance, in the huge mouth place of this red sign of the dragon.
They came out really! Moreover is away from Tragic Death Valley not to be far.
Confirmed this point, in the Xiao Moxian heart does not know that is what felt, she thought to on Tragic Death Valley that dry lonesome place dull several hundred over a thousand years, even for a lifetime, is survivor of disaster now, re-enters original world, in her heart can not be excited?
She could not bear take off a spirit flower, deep has attracted one, fragrant greeted the nostrils, this type of fragrance, made her be moved, her eye socket was slightly moist, in Tragic Death Valley, day and night facing these endless skeletons, only then did a decayed suffocating flavor, where have this flower fragrance?
Only then experiences desperately, can understand life the value! At this time, even if a green leaf, a faded and fallen flower petal, let in the person heart hopeful and joyful!
Xiao Moxian closes two eyes, is infatuated with under this fragrant air/Qi and traces of spring abundant beautiful scene.
However Lin Ming, the facial color is quiet throughout, as if simply has not seen nearby beautiful scene, he closes two eyes, has been catching what in the sensation.
„Lin Ming, are you making what?” Xiao Moxian sees Lin Ming this appearance, in the suddenly heart one cold, has been vigilant, all around the sensation investigation, she actually discovered that as if the invisible strengths have locked themselves.
Lin Ming hesitates slightly, „did you also feel? Here is Bury God Mountain Range a few lives one of the places, should not have the what danger, but has what to monitor us, if I have not guessed that wrong, the place that we are, had gone to Array the cloth, but this person of lineup, ** becomes possibly was Tian Mingzi”
Lin Ming and Xiao Moxian were saying, beyond several hundred li (0.5km), in a crushed stone mountain valley, several people sits in meditation to control one's breathing in this.
At this moment, wore black clothed, the appearance pretty young man has opened two eyes suddenly, his two eyes, was similar to two rounds Blood Moon is ordinary, was bright and bright red.
„Came out really?” The young man licked the lip, the corners of the mouth pan- has smiled evilly, this young man, was Tian Mingzi without doubt.