First similarity is convince. What is convince to you ? some ones say immediately this is only in city living. Nonetheless,it is not always true. Convince between city life and country life are showed very different. For example, in city, most all people like to buy serviced food and it is easy to have a meal in few minutes, but they rarely can cook them well. Whereas, in country, people gradually cook many kinds of food at home , so they can cook better than city people, save a lot of money and enjoy their own meals. Getting cooking experiences and improving cooking are able to do in country living. Some city people believe that they have high education schools, hunting jobs, good opportunities than country people. These are not wrong . In contrast, how can they have good services? almost all these are not free, they need paying many bills. That is why they have to have not only one job but also more two ones. They work hard and it is often more pressure than country people although they can have more advantages. Money not only brings people in city many convince but only takes away time and physical labor. Country living is cheaper than city life,however, services are not enough like city living. Besides, you don't have to be worry too much about paying bills because you don't many services. Without too much headache about money is convince of country people. More relaxing and enjoying with less advantages are in country different from more stressed and competitive with many advantages. Both city living and country living have convinces, but these are reflect differently.
Second similarity is life conditions. Some old people design that life in country is magic like poems: seeing alive animals around you, sleeping on grass and enjoying light winds.The sound is alike interesting, romantic,and attracting. On the other hand, some young people oppose that nothing can do in country where is boring and sad. In addition, people in country breath fresher air and have quieter than people in city with pollution from crowded traffic, factories,and population. Both people in city and country can get long life and young appearance . Because country people enjoy relax living, fresh food and fresh air , they look younger than their ages and longer life. In contrast, people in city are able to look like young by doctors, and have longer from taking care healthy systems and hospitals. Although doing different ways, not only city people but also country people can good life conditions.
Third similarity is people's characteristics. Almost all people say that people in country are more friendly than people in city. Talking to neighbors, making good friends and sharing experiences are usual in country living. While city people who are also friendly , they say hello or how are you? to neighbors because most of people don't have much time, and time is money for them. These are two different lifestyle between country and city living.