Once you have determined the forecast requirements, you can use the Master
Schedule Maintenance form to enter a master schedule, or the Sales Forecast
Maintenance form to enter a sales forecast. Master schedules can also be
driven from the Master Schedule Workbench. Sales forecasts can be imported
from the Intuitive Forecasting option using the Sales Forecasts Inbound
processing in the E-Commerce menu.
In Intuitive ERP, a master schedule and a sales forecast are very similar. The
difference between the two is that when you use a master schedule, you have
the choice of basing DynamicMRP exclusively on the numbers in the master
schedule or on that data and the actual sales and sales forecast data. When
you use a sales forecast, actual sales orders are always looked at by
DynamicMRP in addition to the sales forecast to determine whether the
forecast-based demand needs to be increased to cover demand from actual
sales orders.