„Li Long, are you court death?”
Han Yan has gotten angry, many people have gotten angry, but here the space channel, hits here, if the channel were beaten, many people must with meeting with a disaster, are transmitted to the space crevice directly, forever and ever will unable to come out.
„Li Long, you want to refuse stubbornly to lead us, who gets rid in the channel, my first does not depend on.”
Chen Zhibai of distant place is powerful in vain, loud saying, a moment ago that it can be said that soul-stirring, Li Long and Han Yan strike, channel hitting fierce swaying, had some cracks, if hits again, the channel must be destroyed, when the time comes no one has the advantage.
Getting rid of Li Long has directly caused popular anger, being angry solely is not Chen Zhibai white one person, all people in the vitality, the Free and Unfettered Palace disciples in secret worry, secret passage Li Long was too impulsive, such procedure simply was with the public is being an enemy.
Sees that Li Long cold snort, but actually does not dare to get rid again, struck a moment ago has not killed Jiang Chen, is he has not expected Young Master that the demon teaches cloudy so to be unexpectedly fierce, then wants to get rid not to be impossible again, once has annoyed the popular anger, has waited by Death Mountains not, that is the target of public criticism.
„I must kill you.”
Jiang Chen turns round to look at rear Li Long, said one extremely desolately, he got up to Li Long must kill the heart, regarding must set at itself wholeheartedly in the deathtrap person, the Jiang Chen method is always only then one type, that is makes opposite party predecease.
„Walks, first pays no attention to him.”
Han Yan stared Li Long one, opens the mouth to say.
The people lead the way rapidly, quick, front presents the place of white fog haze, these white mist are thick, blot out the sky, has camouflaged front void completely, even if the formidable Battle Emperor master, is unable to see all in front white fog.
However, others could not see that some people can actually see, the Jiang Chen eyesight is better than all people, or his Mighty Soul Derivation Technique extremely in fierce, all in white fog, the clarity that he looks, inside is overlapping, everywhere is the space entrances . Moreover, these space entrances will not have the opportunity that the choice enters to the human, because each space entrance has the formidable attraction blowout, so long as enters member, unexpected, must by this suction directly attracting.
„Brother, the front white fog feeling is quite gloomy, can have the danger.”
Zuo Ling Er curious asking.
„Good thick white fog, is unable to see clearly inside thing including me, perhaps has the unknown bad risk, here named Death Mountains, might present the death anytime.”
Han Yan said.
„Does not need to be worried that front does not have the danger, we completely have not entered to Death Mountains in now, this inside has a lot of space entrances, meets any will enter the person, is attracted by the space entrance, was transmitted to the different spaces , the space in Death Mountains will be overlapping, were too many, here once was Super greatly sent the ruins, in the past the innumerable years, in which buried treasure, had as before, these space some were the chances, had is danger, had is the danger and opportunity coexists, what can obtain, on looking at own good fortune, you approaches now. I, I use the strength to cover you, meets us to enter the same space to pinch.”
Jiang Chen said in a low voice.
The people nod, turns toward Jiang Chen to approach hastily, regarding Jiang Chen, those present is the incomparable trusts, moreover they believe to Jiang Chen extremely that others cannot see this white fog inside situation, but Jiang Chen can actually see that they will not feel the accident.
The Jiang Chen stride forwards, several people of speeds are extremely fast, suddenly arrived at white fog edge, at this time, ran out of an invisible strength from Jiang Chen within the body, gave to cover all people.
Is stepping into the white fog that moment, people could not bear hit one to tremble, they really saw a lot of space entrances, each entrance just liked an uncultivated land Gu Manshou mouth is the same, pitch-dark, from spouted the ice-cold incomparable aura, that was the huge attraction, if because of by the strength connection of Jiang Chen, they directly should not be inhaled the different space entrances.
Was good formerly had foreknowledge because of Jiang Chen, used this way not to make the people disperse.