After Southeast Asian cooperation was fail anyway ASEAN was formed in 1967 at the time of the cold war which composed of the non-communist parts of SEA. It aimed at economic cooperation and diplomatic interactions. So Dr. Lee told about the Asia-Pacific region has a wide range of diverse nations, language, and cultures. Also region still faces many serious challenges such as military conflict, economic undeveloped countries, and social backwardness. As such, there was no region-wide security cooperation in the Asia-Pacific in the cold war period. Not much security cooperation or bipolarity of the cold war which SEATO was the only regional security cooperation to fight against communism. Asia-Pacific countries have changed their approaches to security cooperation and regional order. The end of the Cold War, the resurgence of China, and the Asian economic crisis have all contributed to important changes in the Asia-Pacific security architecture in the post-cold war which did not want the process to be dominated by major players. There has been an increase in multilateral efforts, including the ASEAN Regional Forum, Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation. But because of their varying membership, scope, and mandates, these new arrangements have suffered from a lack of coordination. Rather than expanding the PMC, ASEAN decided to set up a new dialogue process with communist countries. ASEAN tried to consolidate its diplomatic gain after the conclusion of the Paris agreements on Cambodia to develop its stabilizing role in Asia Pacific through the formation of the ARF. Also the ARF would take a gradual evolutionary approach to security cooperation in the Asia-Pacific. The ARF should be added the official track which is supported by the Council for Security Cooperation in the Asia-Pacific (CSCAP). These institutes act as mechanism supporting the ARF. In the issue of the APT, China interested to help ASEAN about the Asian Financial Crisis which is the most supportive by APT. the APT was set up tackling economic, especially currency challenges and to develop plans of action to implement relevant ARF statements on non-traditional security issues. It was suggested that the ARF unit could play a coordinating role in this regard. In term of security cooperation, EAS could help as a forum for strategic dialogue to making it an important venue in the management of major power relations. To know that EAS is larger than APT but smaller than ARF. EAS is like a high-profile meeting for regional security cooperation. At the same time, the ADMM-Plus provided for the ASEAN Defense Ministers’ Meeting (ADMM) to engage to dialogue partners. In the light of the diversity of the Asia-Pacific region, ASEAN has no intention to promote a supranational or formal structure in the Asia-Pacific. By the way there are many states still lack of trust with CBMs and also very sensitive about their territorial integrity and interference from anywhere. So this will take time in institutionalize to resolve the conflict in the Asia-Pacific and take time in constructing a security architecture for the region as well.