Demon Emperor main hall complete silence, let alone „objection”, all p translation - Demon Emperor main hall complete silence, let alone „objection”, all p Indonesian how to say

Demon Emperor main hall complete si

Demon Emperor main hall complete silence, let alone „objection”, all people do not dare to put one fart now. They looked to understand now that Little Demon Empress regarding is very heavy, is not pure „imperial concubine Na who” this matter clearly looks, when her mentioned that „husband” two characters, but non- „imperial concubine Na”, they should think ... Actually two people do not want to be too many under the excitement, have hit in the muzzle.
After long-time peace, Little Demon Empress continues saying: „After this, knows that you are thinking anything. You thought certainly after this, gets married with Yun Che, has gone bad the three cardinal guides and five constant virtues, chaotic ethics? Snort, were you have forgotten completely, bloodline of my Demon Emperor clan, were what Zhong the bloodline!? This bloodline, at present all over the world after this, does not have a person!”
Little Demon Empress these words, let many people immediately as if awakening from a dream, Su Xiangnan loses the sound track: „Was right! Yun Che bang of that day injures, is the Golden Crow flame that Duke Huai uses ... His body, has the Golden Crow bloodline that the Golden Crow Spiritual God bestows!”
„... This Wang Jing such important matter forgetting, Yun Shao Clan head, has the person of Golden Crow bloodline similarly.”
„If Yun Shao Clan head and Little Demon Empress union ... The descendant, is even, similarly is the pure Golden Crow bloodline ... Also is the Demon Emperor bloodline!”
„Is this Little Demon Empress wants Yun Shao Clan head to enter the reason of Demon Emperor clan?”
Near the ear whoops immediately, the beforehand extreme shock, in this „reason”, somewhat becomes seems to be fair.
Xiao Yun in the god, at this time, near his ear suddenly had broadcast the Yun Che sound: „Immediately Xiao Yun, said according to me said that listened!”
„Anything! Other anything leave alone, in brief hears clearly my words, then said according to me said! Gave me quite of pleasant to hear clear ...”
„!!” Very big calling out in alarm sound that putting has made a sound suddenly, stiffly captured the attention of all people, the Xiao Yun expression exaggerates very much ... However is not installs, but is he indeed puzzled in a complete mess, his rough [say / way]: „Originally, this unexpectedly real ... The volume, Big Brother had also said with me in the past few days, reason that the Golden Crow Spiritual God bestows his Golden Crow bloodline , because is not cruel enough to see that the Demon Emperor bloodline cut off, letting Little Demon Empress can continue the Demon Emperor bloodline with Big Brother ... At that time I had not believed ... Originally real ...! This ... This ... Is the Golden Crow Spiritual God decree!”
Little Demon Empress: „...”
„Golden Crow Spiritual God decree” ... That without doubt is the wish of god, is the gracious gift of god! Any society vulgar ritual rank, even if the three cardinal guides and five constant virtues ethics, does not calculate the fart in the face of the Spiritual God decree that is going against this corona, entire Illusory Demon Realm, certainly nobody will oppose, if there is person of opposition question, instead will receive to revile and be hostile to ... Because that is in the disobedient Spiritual God!
„This unexpectedly is the Golden Crow sacred decree!”
„No wonder Golden Crow sacredly will grant the Yun Che Golden Crow bloodline ... So that's how it is, so that's how it is!”
„It seems like the Golden Crow holy ghost has not given up the Demon Emperor clan, has not given up Illusory Demon Realm! Although a Demon Emperor clan is on the wane, but the new bloodline are born in another person ... Little Demon Empress and Yun Family Young Master, this is the decree of god, true good combination.”
„Then, the Demon Emperor bloodline can continue perfectly, does not need the trouble of worry cutting off again. A Demon Emperor clan once again complete, Illusory Demon Realm, permanent prosperous ...”
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Results (Indonesian) 1: [Copy]
Setan Kaisar aula utama keheningan, apalagi "keberatan", semua orang tidak berani untuk menempatkan satu kentut sekarang. Mereka tampak mengerti bahwa Permaisuri setan kecil mengenai sangat berat, tidak murni "imperial selir Na yang" hal ini jelas terlihat, ketika Dia menyebutkan bahwa "suami" dua karakter, tetapi non - "imperial gundik Na", mereka harus berpikir... Sebenarnya dua orang tidak mau terlalu banyak di bawah kegembiraan, telah memukul di moncong.Setelah lama perdamaian, sedikit setan Permaisuri terus mengatakan: "setelah ini, tahu bahwa Anda berpikir apa-apa. Anda berpikir pasti setelah ini, menikah dengan Yun Che, telah pergi buruk panduan Kardinal tiga dan lima kebajikan konstan, etika kacau? Mendengus, adalah Anda lupa sepenuhnya, keluarga klan setan Kaisar saya, adalah Zhong apa garis!? Pemikiran ini, saat ini seluruh dunia setelah ini, tidak memiliki seseorang!"Sedikit setan Permaisuri Firman ini membiarkan orang banyak segera seolah-olah kebangkitan dari mimpi, Su Xiangnan kehilangan suara lagu: "adalah tepat! Yun Che bang hari itu lukai orang, adalah api Crow emas yang menggunakan Duke Huai... Tubuhnya, memiliki garis Crow emas yang melimpahkan Golden Crow Spiritual Allah!"„... Ini Wang Jing hal tersebut penting melupakan, kepala klan Yun Shao, memiliki orang dari darah keturunan kebangsawanan Golden Crow sama. ""Jika kepala klan Yun Shao dan sedikit setan Permaisuri Uni... Keturunan, adalah bahkan, demikian pula adalah garis Crow emas murni... Juga ini adalah setan Kaisar!"„Is this Little Demon Empress wants Yun Shao Clan head to enter the reason of Demon Emperor clan?”.........Near the ear whoops immediately, the beforehand extreme shock, in this „reason”, somewhat becomes seems to be fair.Xiao Yun in the god, at this time, near his ear suddenly had broadcast the Yun Che sound: „Immediately Xiao Yun, said according to me said that listened!”„...?”„Anything! Other anything leave alone, in brief hears clearly my words, then said according to me said! Gave me quite of pleasant to hear clear ...”„!!” Very big calling out in alarm sound that putting has made a sound suddenly, stiffly captured the attention of all people, the Xiao Yun expression exaggerates very much ... However is not installs, but is he indeed puzzled in a complete mess, his rough [say / way]: „Originally, this unexpectedly real ... The volume, Big Brother had also said with me in the past few days, reason that the Golden Crow Spiritual God bestows his Golden Crow bloodline , because is not cruel enough to see that the Demon Emperor bloodline cut off, letting Little Demon Empress can continue the Demon Emperor bloodline with Big Brother ... At that time I had not believed ... Originally real ...! This ... This ... Is the Golden Crow Spiritual God decree!”Little Demon Empress: „...”„Golden Crow Spiritual God decree” ... That without doubt is the wish of god, is the gracious gift of god! Any society vulgar ritual rank, even if the three cardinal guides and five constant virtues ethics, does not calculate the fart in the face of the Spiritual God decree that is going against this corona, entire Illusory Demon Realm, certainly nobody will oppose, if there is person of opposition question, instead will receive to revile and be hostile to ... Because that is in the disobedient Spiritual God!„This unexpectedly is the Golden Crow sacred decree!”„No wonder Golden Crow sacredly will grant the Yun Che Golden Crow bloodline ... So that's how it is, so that's how it is!”„It seems like the Golden Crow holy ghost has not given up the Demon Emperor clan, has not given up Illusory Demon Realm! Although a Demon Emperor clan is on the wane, but the new bloodline are born in another person ... Little Demon Empress and Yun Family Young Master, this is the decree of god, true good combination.”„Then, the Demon Emperor bloodline can continue perfectly, does not need the trouble of worry cutting off again. A Demon Emperor clan once again complete, Illusory Demon Realm, permanent prosperous ...”
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Results (Indonesian) 2:[Copy]
Setan Kaisar aula utama lengkap diam, apalagi "keberatan", semua orang tidak berani untuk menempatkan satu kentut sekarang. Mereka tampak mengerti sekarang bahwa kecil Siluman Empress mengenai sangat berat, tidak murni "selir kekaisaran Na yang" hal ini jelas terlihat, ketika dia menyebutkan bahwa "suami" dua karakter, tapi non- "selir kekaisaran Na", mereka harus berpikir ... Sebenarnya dua orang tidak ingin terlalu banyak di bawah kegembiraan, telah memukul di moncongnya.
Setelah lama damai, kecil Siluman Empress terus mengatakan: "Setelah ini, tahu bahwa Anda sedang berpikir apa-apa. Anda berpikir pasti setelah ini, menikah dengan Yun Che, sudah buruk tiga panduan kardinal dan lima kebajikan konstan, etika kacau? Snort, yang Anda lupa sepenuhnya, keturunan saya klan Siluman Kaisar, adalah apa Zhong garis keturunan !? ! Keturunan ini, saat ini di seluruh dunia setelah ini, tidak memiliki seseorang "
Sedikit Siluman Empress kata-kata ini, biarkan banyak orang langsung seakan terbangun dari mimpi, Su Xiangnan kehilangan suara lagu:" Apakah benar! Yun Che Bang hari yang melukai, adalah api Emas Gagak yang Duke Huai menggunakan ... tubuh-Nya, memiliki garis keturunan Emas Gagak bahwa Spiritual Allah Emas Gagak melimpahkan! "
" ... Ini Wang Jing seperti materi melupakan penting, yun kepala Shao Clan, memiliki orang Golden Gagak garis keturunan yang sama. "
" Jika kepala Yun Shao Clan dan serikat kecil Siluman Empress ... keturunan The, bahkan, sama adalah murni keturunan Emas Gagak ... Juga adalah keturunan Iblis Kaisar ! "
" Apakah ini sedikit Siluman Empress ingin kepala Yun Shao Clan memasukkan alasan Demon Emperor klan? "
dekat whoops telinga segera, shock terlebih dahulu ekstrim, dalam hal ini" alasan ", agak menjadi tampaknya adil.
Xiao Yun di dewa, saat ini, di dekat telinganya tiba-tiba telah menyiarkan suara Yun Che: "Segera Xiao Yun, mengatakan menurut saya mengatakan bahwa mendengarkan!"
"Apa saja! Apa pun pergi sendirian, di ini mendengar singkat jelas kata-kata saya, lalu berkata menurut saya mengatakan! Memberi saya cukup dari menyenangkan untuk mendengar jelas ... "
" !! "Sangat besar memanggil dalam suara alarm yang menempatkan telah membuat suara tiba-tiba, kaku menangkap perhatian semua orang, ekspresi Xiao Yun melebih-lebihkan sangat banyak ... Namun tidak menginstal, tapi dia memang bingung dalam kekacauan lengkap, nya kasar [katakanlah / cara]: "Awalnya, tiba-tiba nyata ... Volume ini, Big Brother juga telah mengatakan dengan saya dalam beberapa hari terakhir, alasan bahwa emas Gagak Spiritual Allah melimpahkan nya keturunan emas Gagak, karena tidak cukup kejam untuk melihat bahwa Demon Kaisar keturunan terputus, membiarkan sedikit Siluman Empress dapat melanjutkan keturunan Iblis Kaisar dengan Big Brother ... pada waktu itu saya tidak percaya .. . Awalnya nyata ...! Ini ... ini ... Apakah Golden Gagak Spiritual hukum Allah "!
Sedikit Siluman Empress:" ... "
" Golden Gagak Spiritual hukum Allah "... Itu tanpa diragukan lagi adalah keinginan Tuhan, adalah karunia dari Allah! Setiap masyarakat vulgar peringkat ritual, bahkan jika tiga panduan kardinal dan lima etika kebajikan konstan, tidak menghitung kentut di wajah Allah keputusan Spiritual yang akan melawan corona ini, seluruh Realm Siluman Ilusi, tentu tak seorang pun akan menentang, jika ada adalah orang dari pertanyaan oposisi, bukannya akan menerima untuk mencaci dan memusuhi ... Karena yang ada di dalam Tuhan Spiritual taat!
"ini tiba-tiba adalah keputusan suci Emas Gagak!"
"Tidak heran Emas Gagak sacredly akan mengabulkan Yun Che Emas gagak keturunan ... jadi itulah cara itu, jadi itulah bagaimana hal itu! "
" sepertinya Golden gagak hantu suci belum menyerah Demon Kaisar klan, tidak menyerah Ilusi Siluman Realm! Meskipun klan Iblis Kaisar adalah semakin berkurang, tetapi keturunan baru lahir di orang lain ... Little Iblis Empress dan Yun Keluarga Tuan Muda, ini adalah keputusan tuhan, kombinasi yang baik benar. "
" Lalu, garis keturunan Iblis Kaisar dapat terus sempurna, tidak perlu kesulitan khawatir memotong lagi. Sebuah Iblis Kaisar klan sekali lagi lengkap, Ilusi Realm Siluman, tetap makmur ... "
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