4. Economic cost
From the above it is evident that there is some real financial implications that will result from water pollution. It can cost a lot more to purify drinking water that takes its source from nutrient polluted water bodies. Fishing stock is affected negatively when there is a depletion of oxygen. Consumers are also weary of fish from these sources and tend to stay away from them, costing fisheries to lose revenue. In places where there are water activities or sports, lots of money is spent to clean up the water from algae blooms and the like. The U.S. tourism industry loses close to $1 billion each year, mostly from losses in fishing and recreational activities because of nutrient-polluted water bodies. In Mississippi alone, tourism in the three counties that border the Gulf Coast accounts for about $1.6 billion in visitor expenditures, 32 percent of state travel and tourism tax revenues, and 24,000 direct jobs