Results (
Vietnamese) 1:
Trong phần này, một số đánh giá văn học về sử dụng phương pháp mô phỏng quá trình nghiên cứu và ứng dụng trong xây dựng đường hầm sẽ được đại diện. Sau đó, một bảng tóm tắt một số kết quả của việc áp dụng các mô phỏng quá trình TBM và MTBM sẽ được thành lập.Các tác giả đã sử dụng mô phỏng quá trình phân tích và đánh giá việc xây dựng đường hầm với TBM. Salazar và Einstein (1986) sử dụng kỹ thuật mô phỏng sự kiện rời rạc và FORTRAN ngôn ngữ lập trình để phát triển một chương trình mô phỏng, đặt tên là SIMSUPER5 (giảng viên hướng dẫn mô phỏng). Chương trình mô phỏng mô tả quá trình xây dựng đường hầm dưới điều kiện của sự không chắc chắn. SIMSUPER5 giúp các kỹ sư để ước tính thời gian tổng thể và chi phí cần thiết để xây dựng một đường hầm. Touran và Asai (1987) dự đoán tỷ lệ tạm ứng đường hầm trong việc xây dựng một vài cây số dài, nhỏ đường kính (3-3,5 m) đường hầm trong thể loại soft rock. Cho mục đích này, CYCLONE mô hình hệ thống được sử dụng. Một số mô phỏng mô hình được phát triển để điều tra cáceffect of difference variables on the tunnel advance rate. The impact of each major variable on the tunnel advance rate is studied by sensitivity analysis. These variables include the tunnel boring machine penetration rate, the train travel time, the number of muck trains, the type of rock, and the rock stand up time. Al-Jalil (1998) developed a decision support system called decision aids in tunnelling to predict the performance of tunnel boring machine excavation systems in hard rock geological condition. AbouRizk et al. (1999) described the special purpose tunneling simulation template developed based on the tunneling operations performed at the City of Edmonton Public Works Department for shielded TBM’s. The results generated from the template using the historical data to test the template and to analyze the potential construction processes are presented. Donghai et al. (2010) estimated the penetration rate of the tunnel excavation with TBM based on the rock mass classification. Using the rate, a CYCLONE model of tunnel boring machine system has been established and the advance rates under different geological conditions have been determined. Then, the impact of different cutter head thrust, which has been chosen in a reasonable range according to previous experiences, on the project schedule is analyzed. Moreover, the simulation model of a mucking system is built to determine the number of muck trains and rail intersections that are reasonable, regarding the efficiency of muck loading and material transporting. Based on the interaction and interrelation between the TBM boring system and the mucking system, the combined CYCLONE model for the entire tunneling process is established. After that, a reasonable construction schedule, the utilization rate of work resources, and the probability of project completion are obtained through the model programming. At last, a project application shows the feasibility of the presented method.Recently, numerous studies (Rahm et al., 2012; Sadri et al., 2013; Duhme et al., 2013) have attempted to analyze the earth pressure balance (EPB) shield tunnelling machine by developing a simulation model tool by using the same process simulation techniques. In order to analyze the issues of the tunnel with a EPB shield tunnelling machine, the authors have integrated the SysML and AnyLogic simulation software to develop the simulation tool. Two methodologies, called discrete-event simulation (DES), system dynamics (SD) are applied inside the AnyLogic simulation software to develop the simulation tool. They use the same simulation techniques but the focus on each study is different. Rahm et al. (2012) developed the simulation tool in order to analyze the relationship between productivity and supply chains under consideration of typical disturbances of tunnel construction with the EPB. The simulation tool is able to investigate the advancement rate of the TBM as well. By using the same methodology, Sadri et al. (2013) presented the simulation of a TBM supply chain. The task of the study is to develop the simulation tool for evaluating the effect of disturbances, e.g. damaged train, segments transport to the job site, on productivity of the TBM supply chain. Duhme et al. (2013) developed a generalized function model based on a functional analysis of different projects as well. The model may analyze logisticalprocesses, interdependencies and downtime of the whole construction operations with TBM. The simulation tool is able to visualize the process interruptions and disturbances within the system and to test possible countermeasures virtually for their efficiency. Al-Bataineh et al. (2013) presents the use of simulation to plan tunnel construction. The study an simulation - based planning tool for tunnel construction is created by using Simphony.NET, which allows for modular, hierarchical modeling. A case study, the North Edmonton Sanitary Trunk (NEST) proj
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