Dear madam,
We bring to you kind attention the amendment with respect to 195(6) of Indian Income Tax Act relating to remittance (including imports) to non residents.
In accordance with the Finance Act 2015, with effect from 01st June, 2015, as per section 195(6), any person responsible for paying to a non-resident, not being a company, or to a foreign company, any sum whether or not chargeable to Tax shall furnish 15CA/15CB to the bank.
Additionally, in accordance with the new section 271(1) of Income Tax Act, 1961, if a person, who is required to furnish information under sub-section
(6) of section 195 of the Act, fails to furnish such information, or furnishes inaccurate information, the Assessing officer may direct that such person shall be liable to pay, by way of penalty, a sum of one lakh rupees.
In view of the above we would be needing a declaration from you duly signed as per perform attached.
This is required to enable us submit Form15CA/15CB (Form 15CB to be certified by a Chartered Accountant) to the bank for effecting the payment due to you for your supplies.
Kindly note this a regulatory requirement and has to be complied with.
Banks would effect the payment only on submission of the above.
We are also attaching the list of information required from the beneficiary which may be filled up & sent to us, duly signed, to the extent applicable to you.
We seek your cooperation.
Copy of the extract of amendment to section 195(6) and the new section 271
(1) of Income Tax Act 1961 is attached for your kind information.
(See attached file: Format of PE declaration.doc) (See attached file: Data required for Form 15CA & Form 15CB.xls)(See attached file: IT Act 1961 -
With regards,
Pruthvi M