The Bai Ming jade was saying, a hand is pointing at desert projection on the plate, really has a purple mountain range.
Such proposition makes Shuitong frown slightly, „fans out in two groups? Our originally overall strength joins up to be weaker than Soul Breaking Mountain and Profound Bone Clan, but can also divide forces?”
The Bai Ming jade said: „Must guarantee the efficiency, can only so, otherwise several thousand people of teams, are very difficult to launch, moreover this is also the meaning of Supreme Elder, before had not said that is in order to avoids the news disclosing.”
The Bai Ming jade was saying, takes out together the token from spatial ring, flung to leaf Shuitong.
Leaf Shuitong receives, the sensation sweeps, really has to mention in turn the meaning of exploration, in turn, truly can the lifting efficiency, but is also more dangerous.
„Junior Apprentice-Sister Ye you have considered thoroughly, we just now the enter red wild mystical place, simply with enough time have not collected the resources, at this time, Soul Breaking Mountain and Profound Bone Clan do not begin to us again crazed immediately, otherwise they cannot snatch anything instead to meet the buckle manpower, the matter that so does a thankless job they will not do, let alone in that Purple Mountain is also very safe, the sandy soil and rock in red wild mystical place can shield the sensation, the manpower that let alone the mine tunnel, divided hid in the Purple Mountain mine tunnel, definitely will not have any danger, drew back 10,000 steps saying that encountered the danger, we can also hurry to the support.”
The Bai Ming jade words said in addition are fair, have the Supreme Elder instruction, leaf Shuitong many did not say what.
„, I start to assign the manpower now.”
Bai Ming jade very skilled has been divided into two parts team, the home team that Bai Ming jade are at occupied the team major part strength . Moreover the trusted subordinate of Bai Ming jade, for example Liu Yun et al., in the home team.
But vice- team that compares another side, that is weaker, many are the leaf Shuitong trusted subordinate, Lin Ming.
As for leaf Shuitong I, was divided in the home team by the Bai Ming jade.
Such distribution method, has immediately caused the leaf Shuitong disaffection, „the Bai Ming jade, are you what meaning? This relative strength disparity was also too big!”( To be continued.)