In a world that will spawn over 3 billion Internet users this year, as forecasted by eMarketer, it’s now more crucial to know what types of content will be seen, read and shared. So where does this leave us marketers and social media fanatics alike?
People like, re-tweet, comment and promote content because they like what they see and it is contextually relevant to their lifestyle, values or beliefs. While we may create awesome content online, sometimes it fails to resonate with our audience. The common mistake here is not the content itself, but a lack of understanding for the people who are exposed to our content everyday.
Out of the millions of content uploaded on social media, images take the heavyweight ofmost shared content at 43% with over 1.8 billion uploads a day. That says a lot. With the clutter online, times sifting through news feeds are now measured in seconds. That is how long you have to attract the eye and get that valuable interaction. Of course, figuring out what works and tapping into your audience’s preferences takes time. We have compiled a list of social media content ideas to spur you on in your content creation journey. But remember, every organization or individual is different so always monitor and evaluate the performance of your content and find the right strategy that works for you.