1. KNOWLEDGE TEST Is that person making an investment in knowing you? 2. THE SACRIFICE TEST Is the person unbiased, unconditional in his giving, time, gifts and other things? 3. FORGIVENESS TEST Do not marry someone without faults but someone that you find it easy to forgive. (and vis-a-via) 4. THE ADMIRATION TEST Is the person proud of you no matter what? (no matter how silly you may look, you are somebody’s hero.) 5. THE REVELATION TEST When your partner is under pressure, does he/she take things calmly or is like a dynamite? (Don’t make up your mind until you can study your partner under pressure. Pressure brings out the inner person and shows what is in the heart.) Hint: If there is no pressure create one and see how the person reacts. 6. THE PATIENCE TEST patience is not tolerance (delayed judgement) but a perfect understanding. Adjusting to coexist with the person.( Any relationship trying to change someone always ends in problems and frustrations) 7. THE COMPANIONSHIP TEST Does he/she invest on spending time with you and enjoys doing so.
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