Codes of Practice and Conduct
A code of conduct is a set of rules outliningthe responsibilities of, or proper practicesfor an individual, party, professional groupor organisation. A code of practice is agood way to state clearly an organisation’sor group’s position on important subjectslike equality, ethics, contracts, conflictof interest, honour and duty of care. Notevery job requires you to follow a codeof practice or conduct, however all jobswill have policies and procedures andall organisations will expect acceptableconduct and behaviour. Some professionsrequire you to be a member of aprofessional body in order to work; theseprofessional bodies often have their owncodes of practice and conduct.
Some ofthe codes of conduct or practice that youmay be aware of are:
• Care Council’s Code of Practicefor Social Care Workers
• Solicitors Regulation Authority’scode of conduct
• NMC code of conduct for nurses.
Codes of conduct and practice are quiteoften displayed in the reception of yourworkplace, or are included with your jobdescription or contract.